8TURN - Bigger mistake than I realize | 🥀 |

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Sickie: Kyungmin

Caregiver: 8TURN

Request/Idea - The author (Me)


In the world, there is something called an allergy that occurs when a person's immune system reacts to different substances that are harmless to most people. Allergies can include food, pollen, pets, insects, medications, dust and more. Kyungmin, the third youngest member of 8TURN, is apart of the percentage of the world with a food allergy and this food is peanuts.

Ever since Kyungmin was born, he has been living with an allergy to peanuts and has never gotten close to eating one since his parents always made sure the food he ate was safe. This also meant that Kyungmin grew up with a habit of checking food labels, asking if meals at restaurants were peanut-free, carrying an epipen wherever he went and making sure whatever he consumed was safe for him. And yea, it had gotten a little annoying but it was only to keep him safe and alive. When Kyungmin joined MNH to become an idol and joined 8TURN as a member, he chose to only tell the staff and not the other seven members because he didn't want his members obsessing over him like his parents did. Kyungmin didn't know however that this mistake would put him in grave danger.

8TURN all had the same schedule which was a few photoshoots and it wouldn't start until later in the afternoon, around 5:00pm. It was nice because it meant 8TURN could sleep in in the morning and spend the first half of their day doing whatever they wanted. They basically got a half-day break. It had just turned 8:00pm and the eight idols had already done two photoshoots and this one would be the longest but last for the day, going until 11pm.

"Can't I just sleep?" Seungheon whined as he sunk into the couch, "I'm not going on until later and I'm tired."

"No you can't. We might be ahead of schedule and you may go on later on top of the fact that you may ruin your makeup, getting it all over the couch" Minho replied to his dongsaeng from where he was getting his hair done.

"I'm tired too, Seungheon but..." Yungyu, who sat beside the younger, leaned in to whisper, "When hyung's doing his shoot, there's a room near the bathroom that has a really comfy couch and we can hide out there. We'll just have someone else come get us when he'e done."

"'Kay hyung" Seungheon whispered back.

"8TURN, we're starting with the group shoots so I'll need everyone to follow me to the shoot" one of the people operating the shoot came in the waiting room to tell the idols.

The stylist doing Minho's hair quickly finished but still made it look good then the group was escorted to the location of their shoot. Part of the shoot was supposed to be done outside but it was really hard to do as it was really hot and the cameras would always heat up too fast. This could cause the cameras to be destroyed and the shoot to be delayed so it was moved inside. Luckily, the staff working on the shoot had managed to set up the shoot to look like it was outside.

~ 2 and a half hours later ~

The photoshoot was going great, maybe a little too great some would say. It was now 10:30pm which meant only half an hour was left and all of 8TURN were exhausted and ready to collapse in their beds. They finished with the full group shoots and shoots with just two of the members and were onto solo shoots. Kyungmin and Haemin were the first idols to finish their solo shoot, Yoonsung was in the middle of doing his and Jaeyun, Myungho, Minho, Yungyu and Seungheon were still waiting to do theirs.

Kyungmin and Haemin headed back to the waiting room where the stylists were ready to help them take off their makeup and help them out of the outfits. Haemin sat right down in one of the chairs but Kyungmin announced he was really hungry and hadn't eaten since lunch because he was worried he'd ruin the outfits with food. The idol went over to the snack table and since he was so tired, he forgot to check if what he grabbed was safe for him to eat. Kyungmin opened the snack which was a small bag of chips and began eating.

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