Cravity - Irritable & Dizzy pt. 2 | 🥀 |

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Sickie: Taeyoung

Caregiver: Cravity

Request/Idea - @Carateume47


The members helped Taeyoung off the floor and back onto the couch, proceeding to check him for any injuries. No injuries/open wounds could be seen which was good and since he was done with playing Mario Kart, Wonjin shut the TV off and went into the kitchen along with Allen to start lunch for everyone. Serim stayed back in the living room with Taeyoung, turning the TV back on to watch a show.

Woobin, Jungmo, Seongmin and Minhee left after everything was settled to continue their own things. Right before he left the room, Seongmin made sure to tell Taeyoung and Serim to call him if anything happened. The oldest and second youngest members sat in silence as Serim scrolled through Instagram and Taeyoung paid attention to the TV since he didn't have his phone with him at the moment. At some point, Taeyoung started to get bored and a little nauseous but he wasn't sure if he wanted to admit that to his hyung so he just told the older that he was thirsty and was going to get some water. Serim took one look at the photo currently showing on his phone which was a photo a Luvity posted before shutting off his phone and standing up to join him. The oldest was getting pretty hungry and went to help with lunch to hopefully speed it up.

"What are you guys doing here? Before you ask, no, lunch isn't done yet and it'll be around 10 minutes until it's ready" Allen explained, looking up from his spot at the stove.

"Taeyoung got thirsty and wanted water and I came to help out to hopefully speed lunch up" Serim responded and Wonjin immediately gave him something to do.

"Hyung, if you can cut up the vegetables for us, that'd be nice" the leader nodded and got to work.

"Are you gonna help out too, Youngie? Or are you just here for water?" Allen asked as Taeyoung grabbed out a glass.

"I'm just here for the water and I'll probably grab my phone and stay at the table until food's ready."

Allen nodded and quickly turned his attention back to the pan in front of him which started getting too hot so he had to turn the heat down in order to not burn down his dorm. Taeyoung passed Hyeongjun who haven't even spared the movement to look at him and opened the fridge, taking out the water jug. He set the water down on the counter that Serim was cutting food on and lifted the glass to pour water in it. Unfortunately, the universe decided to hit Taeyoung with a bad dizzy spell and he instinctively dropped the water and half-filled glass to support himself on the counter.

The sound of shattering glass filled the kitchen and also the ears of the five idols who were there, making them whip their heads around to Taeyoung's direction. The poor idol was clutching the edge of the counter so hard while waiting for the dizziness to pass again that he hadn't noticed Hyeongjun start to get angry again. His hyung started screaming at him, complaining he couldn't do anything right, that he kept on making mistakes. Once the dizziness passed, Hyeongjun was still screaming but Taeyoung was now focused on cleaning up the glass he just broke. He crouched down, getting his clothes wet from the water on the floor and used both hands to scoop up the broken glass. Taeyoung let out a small yelp as one of the glass pieces left a small cut on his right palm but didnt see it was a cut that caused the pain.

"Uhh... Taeyoung" Wonjin spoke up, "You don't have to do that. You're gonna hurt your hands if you keep doing this" his words went over Taeyoung's head as he kept collecting the glass.

"Taeyoung, your clothes are getting soaked and I think you're bleeding. Please stop" Serim added.

"Why did the glass drop, Taeyoung? You didn't look too good when it did. We can clean up the glass for you" Allen followed up with.

"Seriously?! He dropped the glass. It's his fault so he should be the one to clean it up. That's what you guys tell me and the rest of Cravity so just because he may be sick or something doesn't mean he should get special treatment" Hyeongjun complained, grabbing a napkin and wiping the small amount of water that splashed onto him.

"We'll remember that next time you want special treatment then" Serim argued back, "C'mon Taeyoung, let's-"

As Serim went back to talking to Taeyoung, the younger stood up to throw out the glass in his hands as his hands were just a bit too small to carry all of it. The downside is that Taeyoung stood up way too fast and dropped the glass in his cut hand, clutching onto Serim's arm when he looked him in the eyes. Hyeongjun was pushed out of the way by Allen before he and Wonjin went to hold Taeyoung up to stop him from falling in the glass and water. Serim and Wonjin switched places, Wonjin grabbing a dustpan and mop from their closet and cleaning up the broken glass.

Allen walked with Taeyoung back to the living room and got him settled on the couch while they waited for Serim to get back from the bathroom with the first aid kit. During this time, Hyeongjun decided he had enough of his hyungs and dongsaengs that he gathered up all of his stuff and left the dorm without a word. The members were sort of happy their third youngest member was gone as there would be less screaming but one member, Taeyoung, thought he did something wrong and was the one who made Hyeongjun leave. He snapped out of his thoughts when Serim came back into the living room with the first aid kit in his hands. The oldest sat down on the other side of Taeyoung, sandwiching him in between his hyungs and opened the kit to fix up Taeyoung's hand.

"Taeyoung, what happened back there? The way you grabbed the counter, dropped the glass, swayed a bit made me think you're not okay" Serim admitted as he left to wet a cloth with water then came back.

"I got a little dizzy, that's all" he held out his hand as Serim dabbed the cloth on his palm.

"That can't be all, though" Wonjin butted in, "Getting dizzy in the first place is never good let alone getting so dizzy that you break a glass to grab the counter with your life."

"Hyung, I really just got a little dizzy. It's not that serious" the second youngest protested, Serim now rubbing on some Neosporin.

"Youngie, if you feel bad then you should tell us" Allen added.

"I don't think I'm sick because it was really just the dizziness I've felt all day."

Part of that was true. The part he wasnt lying about was not being sure if he was sick or not because the nauseous feeling went away as soon as he was taken back to the living room. The part that he was lying about was the dizziness being the only thing he felt because like I just explained, Taeyoung did feel nauseous after he woke up from his nap. Serim finished cleaning and bandaging the small cut on his hand before the rest of Cravity (minus Hyeongjun) was called for lunch.


WC: 1226

12 days left until school is over and 1 more part to go! During summer break, I'll try to post more and maybe even published a new story...

🎂 Happy Birthday to Bitsaeon from M.O.N.T! 🎂

Song recommendation: 'BADVILLAIN' by BADVILLAIN

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