8TURN - Just us | 🥀 |

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Sickies: Minho, Seungheon

Caregivers: Minho, Seungheon

Request/Idea - The author (Me)


Minho had caught a stomach bug a couple days ago. 8TURN were lucky however as it was a day off when he got sick so they didn't have to cancel any schedules.

Two days ago, after their day off, he woke up feeling well enough to follow his schedule. Although weary and reluctant about it, the other members let him go only if he'd be careful and not overdo it since he was technically still recovering.

After recording an english interview, Seungheon explained to the members how his stomach wasn't feeling too well. 8TURN immediately sent Seungheon back to the dorm while clearing the rest of his schedule for the day. Minho also cleared the rest of his schedule and went home with Seungheon.

"Hyung, you didn't have to do that" Seungheon choked out over the pain in his stomach, "I'll be f-fine."

"No you won't. Remember how I was? The bug probably travelled to you and infected you" Minho explained, thinking about a few days ago.

"I-I..." Seungheon slapped a hand over his mouth before he could continue.

Seungheon started rummaging around the back for some sort of bag or container to get sick in. Minho watched this and basically commanded the driver to pull over.

The driver soon after pulled over and not even unbuckling his seatbelt, Seungheon opened the door and got sick on the road. Luckily, he was siting on the right side of the van so it'd be pretty hard to see him. Minho unbuckled himself then reached over and unbuckled Seungheon. He scrambled out of the car and held onto the door as he kept throwing up.

"It's okay. It'll be over soon" Minho spoke as he rushed out and over to Seungheon.

"H..." he threw up again before he could speak.

"You're almost done. It's just stomach acid now" Minho kinda interrupted with.

He rubbed Seungheon's back softly through the whole fit while their driver came over with some water. After Seungheon was done, he collapsed against the side of the van and sunk to the floor, making sure his legs didn't touch where he got sick.

Minho waited until he was sure Seungheon wouldn't be sick again and uncapped the water bottle, handing it to him. Seungheon only drank a bit so it wouldn't come back up and handed the bottle back. They waited for a couple minutes before Minho spoke up.

"I think you caught my bug" he spoke up, "Are you feeling well enough to go home or do you need some more time?"

"I-I think I'm good" he whimpered as a cramp shot through his stomach.

"Let's go then" the driver spoke up, "I put a plastic bag in the back just in case and there's some tissues too."

The two helped Seungheon stand up and Minho got in the back first before Seungheon awkwardly crawled in. He wanted to lie down as all the energy was suddenly zapped out of him but Minho refused by saying it could make him possibly feel worse. Seungheon instead rested his head on Minho's shoulder and they took off to the dorm.

A couple of minutes passed and the van arrived at the dorms. Minho and Seungheon thanked the driver before getting out, taking the bag and tissues with them and going up to the dorm. When they got there, Seungheon stood still with his arms out slightly which scared Minho. His plan was to walk up to him and ask if he was okay but Seungheon suddenly dashed to the bathroom, almost knocking Minho over in the process.

Minho ran after him and Seungheon hunched over the toilet, dry heaving. He knelt beside him and told Seungheon nothing's gonna come up but right after he said that, a wave came right up.

"H-Hyung. My st-stomach h-hurts" Seungheon muttered after he stopped for a second time.

"I know, Seungie. For my experience, it should go away in a day or two, just hang in there" Minho assured the maknae.

~ A day later ~

Its been a day since Seungheon was sent home because he was sick and unfortunately, he's still sick. Minho woke up that morning feeling off and got his answer when he found himself hunched over a trash can, puking his guts out.

He sat on the floor for a good ten minutes while realizing something. 'Oh shit. I just relapsed'  he thought while trying to contain his stomach contents. Minho finally found the energy to get up and answer it when he heard a knock at his bedroom door. Seungheon stood on the other side with a blanket wrapped around his shoulder.

"Hyung, did you just get sick?" he could smell it from where he stood.

"Yea. I think I relapsed and caught the bug again" Minho nervously chuckled like it was a joke.

"That's fun" Seungheon joked.

~ Another timeskip ~

Since it was only them two, the day was filled with throwing up, gallons of water, simple foods like crackers and more throwing up. Both Seungheon and Minho didn't have to worry since they both were sick and took care of the other.

Minho was currently in the kitchen making soup while Seungheon was in the living room watching a random drama. It's been a while since the two threw up so they both wanted to test some food. Minho scooped some soup into two bowls and brought it over to the living room, placing them on the coffee table.

"Soup's ready" he announced, "Do you think you're feeling well enough to eat?"

Seungheon sat up, "For now, yea."

Minho handed him one of the bowls and the two began eating. Halfway through, Minho's stomach began acting up again so he stopped eating and put the bowl back down before any damage was done.

Seungheon however, was able to finish the entire bowl of soup and still felt hungry so he got up and went to the kitchen. Just as he and scooping a bit more soup into the bowl, he heard Minho throwing up into the bucket they had sitting beside the couch. He rushed into the living room and like what he heard, Minho had his head buried in the bucket.

"This is gonna be a long day" Seungheon sighed as he sat down beside Minho.


WC: 1027

Who's excited for TXT's and NCT Dream's new albums? The concepts for both look so good.

Song recommendation: 'Cyberpunk' by ATEEZ

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