Stray Kids - Sick puppy | 🥀 |

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Sickie: Seungmin

Caregiver: Stray Kids (Mainly Hyunjin)

Request/Idea - @KPOPLOVEIE


It was late at night and all Stray Kids members were sleeping, including Chan. They had a somewhat early schedule the next day so Chan told his dongsaengs to go to bed early but being the kids they are, stayed up until 12am. One member, however, listened to Chan and went to bed earlier that night.

Throughout the day, Seungmin's been dealing with a persistent headache, his throat was scratchy which made it hurt to sing and he kept sniffling. Seungmin really hoped it was just because of the somewhat cold weather outside causing his throat and nose and the music giving him the headache but just in case they weren't the cause, he took some medicine and made himself a cup of tea which he put on his nightstand before falling asleep. The second-youngest member had a hard time staying asleep and kept waking himself up by sneezing. By the fifth time Seungmin woke up, he knew all the things he tried to go back asleep wouldn't work so the sick member packed a small bag of stuff he'd need before leaving a note for Minho, Felix and Jeongin stating where he was. Seungmin slipped his shoes on and left his dorm, heading to the other dorm.

Seungmin stood in front of the door after a bad sneezing fit and was knocking, waiting for someone to answer. It surprised him that no one had answered yet because Chan usually stays up quite late or never goes to sleep but after a few more minutes, a sleepy Hyunjin opened the door with his eyes half-open.

"Huh?" he mumbled while ready to fall asleep right then and there.

"Can I st-sta *Sneeze x2* stay here with you, hyung?" Seungmin sniffled, running the cuff of his pajama sleeve under his nose which triggered another sneeze.

"Oh, Seungmin" Hyunjin was a bit more awake now, "Of course you can. Is everything okay?"

Hyunjin closed the door when Seungmin was in, "I have a stupid cold that won't let me sleep and I was hoping we could cuddle and that would work" Seungmin embarrassingly admitted.

"Sure, we can. You can get settled in my room while I make you some tea, Minnie."

Hyunjin left towards the kitchen to make Seungmin some tea as stated and the younger, sick member went to Hyunjin's rooms. When he got in, the sheets were understandably a mess near the foot of the bed so Seungmin set his bag down beside the nightstand and slid into the bed, fixing the covers and pulling them over his legs. He placed his bag back on his lap after turning the lamp on and took some more medicine and his phone + headphones then put in back down in the same spot. He connected his headphones and started playing one their debut song 'District 9' while looking at STAY's comments on his Instagram account.

The older member came back with a cup of tea and handed it to Seungmin before getting in the bed on the other side. Seungmin took a small sip to sooth his painful throat then put it down to grab some of the medicine for washing the medicine down with another sip. Seungjin still wasn't that tired and Hyunjin was now more awake so the two chose to watch STAY's edits on TikTok for a while. Around an hour later, Hyunjin admitted it was almost time to get up for their schedule so Seungmin finished his tea, put away his phone and the duo got settled in the bed before drifting off soon after.

This time, Seungmin managed to sleep the whole night until Chan came in to wake the two up which made him happy he finally got some amount of sleep. Chan was confused as to why Seungmin was with Hyunjin but Hyunjin couldn't explain fast enough for the younger as Jisung called for him, probably for something stupid or weird.

"You feeling alright, Minnie?" Hyunjin asked as he placed the back of hand against Seungmin's forehead, not feeling a fever.

"Still *Sniffle, Sneeze x2, Sniffle* still sick" he grabbed a tissue from his back and sneezed again, wincing at the pain in his throat.

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