Stray Kids - Mine forever pt. 2 | ❤️‍🩹 |

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Main members: Minho, Jisung

Request/Idea - The author (Me)

Inspired by: 'Bad Encounter' by @Hyuniv3rse

Trigger warning: Kidnapping, Swearing, Drug use


A lot has happened in the three weeks that 3racha had kidnapped Minho and kept him locked up in their house. First off, Minho didn't know he's been there for three weeks because he had no calendar, no clock in the room, and he also didn't have his phone or computer which meant there was almost no way to check what the day or time was.

Fortunately for Minho, 3racha brought Soonie, Doongie and Dori from his apartment and if he behaved for the trio, they'd let Minho play with his cats for a certain period of time under their supervision. This obviously meant Minho tried behaving to see his cats but at the same time, he's been thinking about an escape plan and also trying not to submit to Chan, Changbin and Jisung. When different escape plans didn't work, Minho'd get punished and couldn't see either of his cats but upon Jisung seeing that Minho started behaving and listening, he went lighter with the punishments.

They started letting Minho out of his room for mainly meals and to use the bathroom and during this time, Minho looked everywhere. And I mean, everywhere. When he took his first couple steps out of his new bedroom, he immediately could see the front door on the same floor as his room and a set of stairs to his left. The bathroom he was taken to was right beside his room and had a shower-bathtub combo, a toilet, a sink with a cabinet underneath and a mirror. It was a simple bathroom but Minho couldn't see anything to incapacitate his captors so that was a no. The next area where he could see most of the house was the entrance. He was facing the front door so to his left was the dining room and kitchen and to his right was the living room. There were some things in the kitchen that Minho could use but he hasn't gotten the chance yet to look through the cabinets.

Fast forward to now where Minho finished taking a shower around an hour ago, Jisung waiting outside the bathroom door and the two were now on Minho's bed watching a movie on Jisung's laptop. He still tied up Minho but only his wrists and the knot was significantly looser. The movie ended and Jisung shut off his laptop, placing it on the nightstand before turning to the older.

"I'm proud of you, kitten" he smiled, making Minho look confused.

"What do you mean?" he replied to Jisung with a question.

"You've been behaving really well for us which did make me a little suspicious but after seeing how you react now versus when we first brought you here, it makes me happy" he pecked the black-haired male's forehead and Minho tried his hardest not to flinch, "When we start dating soon, you'll be able to move into my room. I'm gonna go now and I'll see you in the morning, kitten."

Jisung pecked the older's lips again then reached behind him for Minho's wrists. Minho felt so relieved when he felt Jisung slowly untying the ropes and once Jisung fully removed the restraints, Minho was so happy he could properly move his wrists. Jisung then took the rope and his laptop before getting up from the bed and turning off the bedroom light, leaving the room and Minho in the dark. The black-haired male waited for Jisung's footsteps to be far away from his room before getting up from the bed.

Another perk that Minho got from pretending to behave was that the trio let Minho's cats stay in the room with him. Minho also had Soonie's, Doongie's and Dori's carriers in his room so he could easily leave with his cats. He didnt want to turn on the light just in case Chan, Changbin or Jisung were still downstairs. Minho found his cats all close together near the foot of his bed and Minho grabbed the three carriers before opening them and putting in cats in one-by-one, closing the carriers after. Neither Soonie, Doongie or Dori liked being in the carriers but Minho assured them they'd hopefully be out soon. He got up, picking up the carries by their handles and quietly opening the door after listening for any noise from the other side. Minho looked back at the bedroom to see if he should bring anything with but remembered that it could slow him down since he already had his cats.

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