Stray Kids - Silent Cry | 🧸❤️‍🩹 |

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Little: Felix

Caregiver: Stray Kids

Request/Idea - shrekshrek877515

Trigger warning: Panic attacks, Abuse, Depression, Cutting, Eating disorder, Blood, Swearing


Felix hadn't always had the best life and he could never remember when his parents actually loved him, if they ever loved him. You see, Felix grew up with his two younger sisters, Rachel and Olivia, and his parents who were alcoholics. His parents never showed any love to Felix but instead directed it to his siblings who they clearly loved more. They always degraded Felix for the smallest things, whether it was forgetting to wash the dishes, getting anything lower than 100% on tests or report cards, coming home even 1 minute late, burning food and way more. Felix's parents always came home from work super late and most of the time, drunk as fuck. If dinner wasn't ready by the time they were home, Felix would get beaten up. If Felix refused to get them more alcohol from the basement, he'd get beaten up. If he did anything wrong, he'd get beaten up. The point is, Felix got abused by his parents a lot.

This led to both Felix's mental and physical health to take a rapid decline. The physical health was quite obvious and his mental health was obvious too but just a little less. Around when he got to high school at 14, Felix's classmates also started bullying him which made the poor boy realize that maybe there was truly no one who liked him enough to want to be around him. Another thing that started happening was Felix started cutting himself. One day after school and a rough beating from his drunk ass parents, Felix just cracked and before he knew it, his right arm was over the sink while dripping blood and his left hand held a bloody razor. Felix found comfort in this somehow and every day, after school and a quick clean of the house, he was in the bathroom, giving himself new scars. The red colour of the blood coated his almost-white fingers, a cause of Felix's vitiligo.

Over the course of the past few years, besides the cutting, Felix also started developing an eating disorder. His mind would play all the possible scenarios that would happen between him and his parents and the kids at school. The poor teenager lost a ton of weight and was underweight for a boy his age, 98 pounds to be more specific. Felix did his best to avoid any food even if it meant not eating some days. When he did eat something, he'd go right to the bathroom after and proceed to force himself to throw it back up. Felix's fingers burned from pushing them far back into his throat but it was all to make sure he didnt gain too much weight.

Another thing I almost forgot to mention was Felix's headspace. Like everything else, his headspace developed from the multiple years of abuse and torment his parents gave him. His mom was in the middle of hitting him for not taking the trash out and he just blacked out. Felix later woke up that same day with the mindset of a 2 year old child and just laid on the floor, crying himself to sleep. When doing some research, he found out why he suddenly felt so young and chose to experiment with his littlespace. Felix didn't buy anything for Lixie though as his fear of his parents finding out was high.

Today, Felix and his sisters had just got home from school and to their surprise, their parents weren't home. On any other day, this was to be expected but today was different because today was the day they got their reports after the first semester. It was a rule in the Lee household for Felix, Olivia and Rachel to hand their report cards to their parents without looking at them so it was the parents who saw the grades first. Their parents would usually be home on these days and never really explained what to do if they weren't home. Olivia went to tape the report cards to the door of their dad's office for when they got back then each sibling went to do their own thing. Since it was already getting semi-late, Felix cut himself a few times per his routine then went to prepare dinner and brought up some beers for his parents so he wouldn't have to walk a lot.

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