zerobaseone - Crossdressing | ❤️‍🩹 |

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Ship: Haobin (Zhang Hao & Hanbin)

Request/Idea - The author (Me)

Trigger warning - Blood, Assault, Bullying


Zhang Hao was a crossdresser. Ever since he was able to walk, the boy was in love with dressing in girl clothes, wearing makeup, playing with toys that were directed at girls, girly nicknames more. Zhang Hao didn't know why he was interested in these things or how it happened but he has happy with it.

When his parents found out about his different interests, they were unconditionally supportive of him. Zhang Hao was glad his parents liked him for that and was happy no one bullied him or made fun of him when he started school. This quickly changed though.

During the summer before he started high school, his parents took him out to buy new clothes for the occasion. When the day came, Zhang Hao had gotten dressed in his new clothes he bought and after his parents dropped him off at his new school, Zhang Hao walked in the building confidently. However, when the day ended, he came back home crying with his new clothes all ripped up.

"Baby, what happened? Was the day that bad?" his mom asked him when his parents saw him.

"Th-the k-kids at school b-beat me up a-an' ripped m-my n-new clothes" the boy sobbed.

"Princess, we're so sorry" his dad pulled him into a hug.

"W-Why did they d-do th-that?" Zhang Hao asked after he pulled away.

Zhang Hao's mom and dad both looked at each other and sighed. When they found out about this side of their son, both of them knew something like this was bound to happen. After this situation didn't happen at his elementary or middle school, the pair was hopeful that it'd continue all the way through high school but seeing Zhang Hao come home like this hurt them.

Zhang Hao's dad led the boy to the living room and onto the couch while his mom went upstairs and to Zhang Hao's room to get him something new to wear. She soon came down and entered the living room, handing the clothes to Zhang Hao. He was too upset to care so he changed right in front of his parents and placed his torn clothes on the coffee table before sitting back on the couch.

"Princess" his mom started, "Some people, like me and your dad, are supportive of certain decisions others make and different interests, like how you like to dress in girl clothing and we love it. It always looks really good on you and you seem so happy wearing it."

"Your mom's right, Hao" his dad continued, "But some people don't like when others are different from them, like the kids who hurt you today. They like to be mean to people and enjoy seeing them in pain, mentally or physically."

"Is that why they beat me up and ruined my clothes?" Zhang Hao questioned.

"Probably, yea. But you don't have to change for these type of people" his mom finished with.

"Can we go back to the store to buy new clothes since these were destroyed?" he looked up at his parents.

"Of course, we can" his dad stood up, "Let's get ready then we can go."

As you see, Zhang Hao's lucky streak ended and like his parents told him, he kept wearing whatever he wanted. He did get bullied for it and did have to buy new clothes some days but Zhang Hao always kept his parents' words in mind.

~ The present ~

The bell had rang, indicating the end of the school day. Zhang Hao packed up everything in his bag and said bye to his math teacher who considered him the best student she had that year. Sadly, Zhang Hao didn't have any friends so he didn't wait for anyone and was the first person out of the classroom.

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