ATEEZ - Beach day | 🧸 |

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Littles: Yeosang, San, Wooyoung

Caregivers: Hongjoong, Seonghwa, Yunho, Mingi, Jongho

Idea - @cuddlepilefics

I got this idea from a list of littlespace prompts @cuddlepilefics posted so credits to them for the idea. 


The sun had started rising which caste a warm glow in the living room, indicating it was the next day. Today was a sort of special day not just because ATEEZ had a day off to do whatever but the group housed three littles (Yeosang, San and Wooyoung) and their caregivers (Hongjoong, Seonghwa, Yunho, Mingi and Jongho) planned a surprise for them. Something they never did yet was take the three littles to the beach and since it was getting hotter out, the five thought now was a pretty good time.

There was a little in each dorm which meant Yunho was tasked with waking Yeosang up, Hongjoong and Jongho were to wake up Wooyoung and Seonghwa and Mingi had to wake San up. Yunho, Yeosang, Seonghwa, Mingi and San would then meet up at Hongjoong's, Jongho's and Wooyoung's dorm. This was the plan at least but when all three members are little, rarely anything went the proper way. First off, Wooyoung and Yeosang both slipped to around 4 and loved creating chaos so it was tough to keep them in check. And second, San slipped the youngest at 1 or 2 and was much quieter than his fellow littles so he wasn't much of a problem. However, Woosang sometimes got San to follow along with whatever mischievous things they did to which the caregivers did not like one bit.

Back to the morning of today, Wooyoung was the first to wake up in his dorm and in littlespace too. The little took a few seconds to fully wake up before realizing what day it was. Wooyoung always woke up with a ton of energy so he shoved his blanket off of him, it landing on the floor and Wooyoung ran out of his bedroom. Not thinking that his caregivers were probably still sleeping, Wooyoung burst into Hongjoong's room and climbed onto the older's bed while screaming to get his attention.

"Joongie hyungie! Wake up! It our bweak! Wake up!"

Hongjoong opened his eyes with a groan and propped himself up on his elbows to see Wooyoung, "Youngie, it's too early. Why don't you go back to bed with hyungie for a bit?"

"Bu' it our bweak! An' I wanna see Sannie an' Sangie! Pwease, Joongie!" the little pleaded, getting irritated.

Hongjoong's eyes widened when Wooyoung said that, "Oh my god! I'm so sorry, Youngie. Hyungie forgot. Why don't you go wake up Jongho and I'll start on breakfast?"

"Yea, yea, yea!" the little jumped off the bed and ran straight to Jongho's room.

'Man, this kid has too much energy for 8:00am'  Hongjoong thought to himself.

Hongjoong hauled himself out of bed and slowly made his way to the kitchen for food and coffee because he knew it'd be a hectic day with the littles. He was glad there was already water in the coffee maker so he poured one mug and downed that in one go then another, and another until he almost had as much energy as Wooyoung had. Hongjoong got out the pan then all the ingredients to start making pancakes and called Seonghwa. The reason why was because the other littles were gonna come over for breakfast and if San slipped too young for pancakes, he'd make the little some oatmeal instead. Seonghwa responded by saying San wasn't old enough but still excited after knowing what was for breakfast. Knowing how much he'd have to make, he called out for Jongho's help and saw him carrying a still very energetic Wooyoung on his back.

"Apparently, this little one decided to wake me up by jumping on me and repeatedly yelling in my ear" Jongho spoke from the living room as he playfully threw Wooyoung onto the couch.

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