Xdinary Heroes - Sick day | 🥀 |

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Sickie: Hyeongjun (Jun Han)

Caregiver: Xdinary Heroes

Request/Idea - The author (Me)


Xdinary Heroes had just finished with a fanmeeting and were quite happy that it went well. Villains that bought tickets also seemed to love seeing Xdinary Heroes in person. They even did a fansign where they met even more Villains.

By the time they got back to the dorm however, Hyeongjun had started to feel a little off. He had gotten a small headache and his nose started running. Gunil saw him head straight to his shared room with Jungsu and thought nothing of it but when dinner was ready and he hadn't shown, he got concerned and went to see if he was okay.

"Hey, Hyeongjun? You in here?" Gunil asked, stepping into the room.

"Yea" he spoke softly, his headache already worst.

"Dinner's ready but you didn't come. You feeling alright?" he sat beside Hyeongjun on his bed.

"Not really. I have a headache and my nose started to run" Hyeongjun ended with a sniffle and a sneeze.

"That sucks. I'll go get you some medicine, tea and something small to eat. I'll also inform the others."

He smiled at Hyeongjun before leaving to get the stuff for him. When he reentered the kitchen to get some rice and tea, the others wondered why Gunil came alone.

"Hyeongjun's not feeling too great right now. I'm just getting him some rice and tea, along with some medicine for his headache" Gunil explained, placing a tea bag in hot water.

"I can hand him his dinner if you wanna get the medicine. I think we still have some painkillers in the bathroom" Jungsu said, placing his dishes in the sink.


While Hyeongjun was waiting, Jungsu walked in with his food.

"Hey. Gunil hyung said you don't feel well" Jungsu said, handing the stuff to Hyeongjun.

Gunil walked in a little bit later.

"Yea, I don't. I might just go to bed early and hope that sleep will help" he replied.

"Here's some painkillers to take after your done eating" Gunil placed them on Hyeongjun nightstand.

"If you're asleep when I come back, I'll be quiet" Jungsu told him.

Hyeongjun nodded and Gunil and Jungsu left to let him rest. He quickly took the painkillers Gunil had brought him and washed them down with the tea after eating the rice. He then slid further under the covers and fell asleep soon after as the painkillers made him a little tired.

When Hyeongjun woke up the next day, his head hurt way more than last night and he was even more sniffly. He couldn't even wait a minute after opening his eyes before grabbing a tissue from his nightstand and sneezing into it. A couple sneezes later and he already knew they'd make him stay home. Although he should be going to their band practice, Hyeongjun just laid back down and promptly fell asleep.

When Gunil came to get him as they would be running late, he saw the poor boy still asleep. A quick touch to the boy's burning forehead and seeing his nose all raw told him to call him in sick. Jungsu stayed back to take care of him while the rest left for their practice.

Hyeongjun woke up soon after they left and sat up, taking a minute as the movement made his head pound. He swung his legs over the bed and onto the floor, standing up while leaning against the wall. When he caught himself, Hyeongjun left the room and went to the living room where Jungsu sat playing games on his phone.

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