Stray Kids - Take a break | 🧸 |

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Littles: Chan, Jeongin

Caregiver: Stray Kids

Request/Idea - The author (Me)


It started off with Chan outing himself as a little to his group. The whole group accepted him with open arms to which Chan was happy with. Around a year later after Chan coming out, the whole group noticed Jeongin getting stressed so Chan took Jeongin and helped him slip, now another little in the group. The two littles hung out together once but then Chan stopped slipping completely.

A new comeback was coming up soon, so everyone's minds were focused on that. Jeongin made sure to make time to be little but once he hadn't been seeing little Channie confused him. Chan was by far the most focused because he was the leader and mainly focused on the comeback.

The others started to notice this. Chan would leave earlier and come back later than normal. They also noticed how he kept spacing out whenever they talked or tried getting his attention. Chan even went to work at the studio when they had a short one day break.

The rest of the group tried everything, even Felix went over to the studio with a little Innie and had Jeongin ask Chan to come home earlier. Chan of course said he couldn't because of all the work, which made Jeongin sad and he even ran all the way back to the maknae line and Minho's dorm and to his room crying. The other members saw this and made a plan. Being the oldest ones there, Minho and Changbin would get Chan to come back while Hyunjin, Jisung, Felix and Seungmin would stay with Innie.

Minho and Changbin left with a bag of Chan's little stuff to try to get him to slip which would make it easier to bring Chan home. The duo soon arrived at the studio and not surprised that Chan took a minute before noticing the two. Minho said that they needed to talk and everyone sat down on the couch in the back of the studio.

"Hey hyung, not too long ago Felix came by with little Innie to get you to come back but you refused." Minho explained to Chan.

"I remember that. What do you mean?" he asked in response.

"Well, you made Innie quite sad to the point where he's crying right now."

"I-I didn't mean to make Innie cry." he started tearing up a bit at the information of the maknae crying.

"You probably didn't. That's why we thought you should go home to apologize." Changbin stated.

"It would also be better if it was little you doing it, don't you think." Minho added after.

"I guess. But there's still so much work and the comeback's so soon and it's been so long since i slipped and both Innie and Jeongin might be mad at me and-"

"There's no worry, hyung. We're willing to help you slip." Minho smiled.

"We are. And I'm sure that Wolfchan misses seeing you."

Changbin pulled out the plushie Chan got from them once they first found out about Channie. They handed the plushie to Chan, who hesitantly took it and held it close. Minho also pulled out a small container of fruit and gave it to Changbin

"You must be hungry, huh little one? I'm also assuming you hadn't had lunch or dinner yet." Minho said as if Chan was already little.

Chan nodded.

Changbin opened the container and held up an apple slice to Chan's lips, who took a small bite. After a few more pieces of fruit, they managed to get Chan to slip and little Channie let out a sound of content.

"It's yummy, right cutie?" Changbin asked.

"Vewy nummy!" he squealed.

Minho pulled out a thermos filled with hot chocolate and Chan's sippy cup. He then poured some into the cup and held it up to Chan's lips, having Chan take a couple sips.

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