Stray Kids - Cat with a secret pt. 1 | ☀️ |

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Ship: Seungjin (Seungmin & Hyunjin)

Request/Idea - The author (Me)


Hyunjin and Seungmin were living a good life. Hyunjin was the CEO of a successful company and Seungmin owned part of his family's restaurant chain. The two had adopted a 5 year old girl after they decided they wanted a kid and were now parents to Aera. So yea, their life was pretty good.

Aera's birthday was coming up in about two weeks and she's been begging both Hyunjin and Seungmin for a cat. The pair were skeptical about it because their lives were already busy and a cat would add on to the responsibilities.

It was now one week until Aera's birthday and like last week, the first thing she did after she got picked up from school was ask for a cat.

"Please" she pleaded, "I really really want one."

"A cat's a big responsibility and our lives are already busy" Seungmin turned to her when they stopped at a red light.

"But papa, I'll be really 'sponsible. Please please please" Aera didn't stop.

"*Sigh* ...We'll talk about it when daddy gets home, okay?"

"hmph... fine."

As you could see, Aera wasn't happy about this decision. The rest of the ride to Seungmin's restaurant was silent except for the regular city noises.

They eventually made it to the restaurant and Seungmin parked the car before getting out and helping Aera out too. He handed her her bag before walking into the restaurant to be greeted by some of the waiters. The two greeted them before going to Seungmin's office at the back of the building. He sat down and let Aera sit down on one of the comfy chairs.

~ A few hours later ~

"Come in" Seungmin yelled when there was a knock on the office door.

The door creaked open and standing on the other side was Hyunjin. Seungmin smiled upon seeing the other and was about to get up and greet him before Aera beat him to it.

Aera turned around to see who knocked on the door and when she saw it open and Hyunjin stood there, Aera dropped the pencil crayon in her hand onto her colouring book and ran to him. Hyunjin managed to catch her in time in his arms, holding tightly onto his daughter's waist so she wouldn't fall.

"Daddy, daddy, can we pleeeaaase get a cat?" she asked him, not noticing both her parents' looks.

"Did you already ask papa?" Hyunjin responded with a question when he sat down.

"I did..." she trailed off.

"And what did he say?"

"Wait for you to say yes."

"My real words" Seungmin spoke up, "Was let's wait 'till you get here to talk."

Hyunjin sighed, knowing they wouldn't be leaving the restaurant until he said something. He too was still considering if they should get a cat or not so he just said they'll talk at dinner. Seungmin quickly packed up his and Aera's things before they left the restaurant. The three all got settled into Seungmin's car as Hyunjin had someone drive him there then they left.

When they got back and into their house, Aera took her stuff and headed upstairs to her bedroom while Hyunjin and Seungmin went to their shared bedroom. Hyunjin took the opportunity first and grabbed some more comfortable clothes to change into and out of the suit he was wearing. While he was changing, Seungmin used the time to place their work in their shared office before going downstairs to make dinner. As he was starting on some stir fry, he felt two arms wrap around his waist and a weight on his right shoulder.

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