NCT x (G)I-dle - Banned | ❤️‍🩹 |

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Main members: Jaehyun (NCT), Minnie (Gidle)

Request/Idea - @Suhoyuju27


NCT and Gidle, the two most popular and most feared mafias in Korea. People knew what they looked like and were always nice to the members of either group when they passed by. Although their faces were known the police never caught anyone if they did, they always escaped. These two mafias were rivals since they were both formed. It started as the first leaders of each group just doing their own thing but as the years went by, the rivalry got worse and became what it is now.

Jaehyun, the son of the mafia leader for NCT, had a secret he managed to keep from the members of NCT and most importantly, his dad. You see, not too long ago Jaehyun was going to a cafe for coffee and bumped into Minnie, the daughter of the mafia leader of Gidle.

"Watch it" Jaehyun groaned as he stood up from the floor.

"You should watch where you're going" Minnie also complained, brushing herself off.

The two locked eyes and both went speechless. They knew each other as the child of the other mafia's leader but never met in person. Jaehyun wanted so bad to deny it but: 'Minnie's beautiful'  he thought. Jaehyun held out his hand for Minnie to shake and she did so.

"So you're Minnie, daughter of Gidle's leader" Jaehyun said.

"And you're Jaehyun, son of NCT's leader. I was wondering when we'd meet" she smiled, already having feelings for the other.

"That's me. My dad always told me not to interact with you though I don't know why."

The pair slipped into the alleyway beside them for more privacy.

"It's pretty obvious. We're in rival mafias. Of course they don't want us interacting" Minnie responded, fixing her skirt.

"I kinda hate my dad for it. I mean, if they just got along he'd have a shit ton more business and money. He obsessed with it" he chuckled, making sure no one from NCT was near.

"Same here. You know what" Minnie spoke up, "We seem to be getting along so give me your number and we'll hang out in secret. Then at some point, we'll tell our parents it isn't that bad" she offered as she handed her phone to Jaehyun who took it and put in his number.

"Same time here tomorrow?" he asked as Minnie gave him her number.

"Yep. See ya."

Minnie said goodbye to Jaehyun before parting the alleyway and continuing where she was off to, leaving Jaehyun in the alley. Jaehyun went to the café like he planned before.

When he entered, everyone who were already in there made room for him as he walked up to the cashier counter. Jaehyun ordered and watched the barista make it, making sure it was right. When the barista handed Jaehyun his order, he checked and saw something was off with his coffee before pulling out his gun and shooting the barista's head, killing her instantly.

"Why'd you do that?" one of the customers closest to him asked.

"Looks like someone doesn't know the rules" Jaehyun scoffed.

He then did the same to the customer and left the café, not ever planning to go there again.

Jaehyun finally arrived back at home with the empty coffee cup that held his messed up order and threw it into the road before going inside the mansion. Like he had told Minnie earlier, his dad was obsessed with money and super rich therefore he owned multiple mansions across the world. Jaehyun took off his coat and hung it in the closet when one of the members came running up to him.

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