8turn - Aerophobia | ❤️‍🩹 |

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Main member: Jaeyun

Caregiver: 8turn

Request/Idea - The author (Me)


Jaeyun missed his family a lot ever since he came to Korea. They didn't live in Korea but back in New Zealand as he was a mix of both places. He'd love to go visit them and had the chance too when the group were granted a week long break but there was one problem.

Jaeyun has Aerophobia which is a fear of flying. His parents were with him when Jaeyun flew to Korea to become an idol so it didn't affect him much and he didn't tell his members because as the leader, Jaeyun always thought he had to be strong for them. That's why he didn't take the chance to go to New Zealand and instead stayed back at the dorm. Jaeyun knew they'd have to fly at some point but he didn't realize it'd be so soon.

8turn were having a mini concert and one of the places was New Zealand. Jaeyun perked up but his smile soon faltered at the thought of having to go on a plane. None of the other 8turn members noticed so he was in the clear for now.

"Everyone ready?" their manager asked as they all go into the van.

"Yep!" the two maknaes, Yungyu and Seungheon simultaneously said.

"Ready to go..." Jaeyun spoke for the rest of them, a little quiet.

"Let's head out then."

Their manager started up the van and started to drive away from the dorm and to the airport. Luckily, MNH entertainment rented out their own plane so no Turnings would see Jaeyun possibly freaking out.

They reached the airport and a ton of their fans stood outside waiting to see the group. Jaeyun pushed the fact that he was absolutely terrified far back and stepped out of the van first, waving to Turning. Yoonsung, Minho, Yungyu, Seungheon, Myungho, Haemin and Kyungmin all stepped out and followed their leader who was walking after some of the staff.

After going through security and all that stuff, 8turn made it to where their plane was with a bit of time to spare. To occupy himself, Jaeyun went to grab some snacks and Kyungmin happily tagged along.

"What are you planning on getting, hyung?" he asked, picking up a bag of chips.

"I'm not sure, Minnie" Jaeyun replied, "Maybe just some candy or something. Not too big."

"Okay, hyung. I'm gonna keep looking around."

Kyungmin went deeper into the store to look for who knows what while Jaeyun went to the candy aisle. He picked up a small pack of gum and went to pay where he found Kyungmin who had like 50 more things (it was only 6).

"Kyungmin! Why do you have so much?" Jaeyun exclaimed as he put his pack of gum on the counter.

"It'll be a long flight so I wanted to stack up on snacks" Kyungmin smiled.

Jaeyun could only chuckle and sigh at his dongsaeng before the two left and headed back to where the others were.

~ Timeskip to 8turn on the plane ~

8turn had made it onto the plane and the members except for Jaeyun were pretty excited to go to New Zealand for the first time. Jaeyun sat down in an aisle seat so he'd be less tempted to look out the window and Myungho, his only hyung, sat in the window seat.

"You excited to go to New Zealand, oh great leader?" he asked as he buckled his seatbelt.

"Oh, yea. It's been a while" Jaeyun quietly spoke, fear laced in his voice.

"You okay, Jaeyun? You seem nervous" Myungho asked as he could see Jaeyun slightly trembling.

"N-No. I'm fine, hyung" he put up a fake smile that Myungho seemed to believe.

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