BTS - Protecting you | ☀️❤️‍🩹 |

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Ship: Jimin x Laura Lu (ParkJimins_TinyWifey's OC)

Request/Idea - @ParkJimins_TinyWifey


2 years ago, Laura Lu got accepted into her dream college that she always wanted to go to. The main reason was that this college had a really good art animation course and Laura wanted to go into animation in the future. When Laura tried getting jobs during high school for animation, people always rejected her because she was really short, 4 foot 6.5. She hated that and to cope with all the bullying Laura received, she bought a reborn doll.

Laura found that after having the reborn doll for a bit, it was making her happier and she started taking it everywhere with her. Some people at her high school made the bullying worse when they found out about the doll she owned. So when Laura was finally moving to the college, she figured that the students there were more mature and therefore wouldn't bully her. Her first day at college, she kept the reborn doll hidden in her bag but still with her and she made more friends which was nice but they'd probably find out about the reborn doll and not have a positive reaction to it.

One person in particular who Laura wasnt exactly friends with but acquaintances with was Park Jimin and his other friends that were all a friend group called BTS. She shared two classes with him and Hoseok, one of Jimin's friends in his friend group in the first semester of her 2nd year and to her surprise, Laura started developing a small crush on Jimin. After her first year, she started carrying around her reborn doll so it was more visible and each time Jimin saw Laura with the doll, he wondered why Laura had it. He wanted to ask the blond-haired female about it but always stopped himself because he didn't wanna hurt Laura.

Laura had just finished up with one of her classes and was currently walking to another one on the other side of the school but luckily, she met up with some of her friends that were in the same class as her. All of her friends knew about the reborn doll she always carried with her and the reason behind it so they weren't surprised when she took the doll out of her bag and carried it as they walked to their next class. However, as Laura turned the corner, she was shoved into a locker and the reborn doll almost fell.

"What's that in your hands? It looks like a baby's toy" he pressed Laura up against the lockers, gesturing towards the reborn doll.

"It's a reborn doll, Daehyun" Laura stared up at Daehyun who was a foot and 7 inches taller than her.

"So a baby's toy then" Daehyun chuckled, "It looks like it'd cost a lot though so... how about I hide it then you give me money?" he offered while making Laura look up with fear in her eyes, something her friends rarely saw.

"I'm not doing that. She's precious to me and I can't just give her to you to hide" the shorter held the doll closer to her.

Daehyun leaned in close to whisper in Luna's ear, "You're gonna give me the money whether you want to or not."

Daehyun pulled away and smirked at Laura to let her know he wasn't joking about getting the money from her before walking away, leaving Laura and her friends watching him. As soon as Daehyun was out of sight, her friends went to make sure Laura was okay and in the distance, Jimin saw what happened. He couldn't hear what Daehyun had said because he was too far but he assumed it had something to do with Laura's reborn doll. Jimin didn't want anything to happen to Laura so when she continued walking to her next class, Jimin went to go tell the rest of his friend group.

Jimin walks around the campus for a good 20 minutes before finding Jungkook, Namjoon, Seokjin, Taehyung and Yoongi all sitting at their usual table in the cafeteria. The only person who wasn't there, Hoseok, had met up with Laura as they were a little closer than Jimin and Laura but he didn't know where the third oldest was.

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