Cravity - Hypothermia | 🥀 |

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Sickie: Seongmin

Caregiver: Cravity 

Request/Idea - @Carateume47


It was a particularly rainy morning that day and extremely cold out so the members of Cravity were warned to dress warmly by the staff for precaution. Serim had found out after some of the staff arrived at his shared dorm with Allen, Jungmo, Taeyoung and Seongmin to pick them up. These five members were currently eating breakfast and didnt know they were running late so Serim ordered his younger members to get ready quickly.

In the other dorm, Woobin, Wonjin, Minhee and Hyeongjun were already ready to go when the staff who came to get them informed them on the cold rain that day. The four boys got ready rather quickly and by the time they were ready to go for a second time, the other half of Cravity had finished getting ready which meant they could leave together. As soon as they stepped out of the building, they saw the pouring rain and had to wait for the van to get closer. Fortunately, the building with their dorms had an overhang so the only chance of the group getting wet would be getting in the van taking them to their schedule.

The roads were really slippery which almost caused a car crash but that luckily didn't happen and they got to the practice rooms safely. Cravity set their stuff down near the couch in the back, the maknae, Seongmin taking off his sweater so he was just in a tshirt and pants. Allen was watching him and suggested he should put it back on since the practice room was still a bit cold but the maknae refused, saying he'd be fine. Seongmin was starting to regret his decision as he was getting cold and at the same time he was having trouble with some of the moves. Hyeongjun, who was helping with the choreo was getting frustrated with the youngest and it started to show.

"Seongmin, I need to talk with you" he announced when the group was taking a break.

Seongmin, who was on his phone, pocketed it and stood up from the couch, "Okay... what about?"

"Why are you just sitting there and taking a break instead of practicing more? We all noticed how you couldn't get the moves right."

"I was tired and felt I needed one. I can always come back here after my schedule to perfect the moves" Seongmin argued back.

"That's not a good enough reason. We have a performance for this song in a couple days and we can't afford for you to be making mistakes. You need to be practicing now and not later so the performance isn't a disaster because you didn't get enough sleep" Hyeongjun crossed his arms and looked down at the younger who shivered a bit under his mean gaze.

"Hyung please" Seongmin pleaded, "Sure, I'm not getting the moves right but I still need a break. I don't want something bad happening because I didn't rest."

"I don't care. While the members who actually know the dance take a break, you're gonna be practicing and you'll rest once you get the moves right" Hyeongjun raised his voice which made the other 7 members look at the duo.

Tears started forming in Seongmin's eyes at what his hyung said to him and instead of continuing to practice, the maknae turned towards the door and ran out, slamming it behind him. The practice room was filled with silence after Seongmin left and Hyeongjun just stared at the door, wondering what he said to make Seongmin leave. Serim stood up and Allen, Jungmo, Woobin, Wonjin, Minhee and Taeyoung all followed him as he walked towards his dongsaeng before surprising everyone when he suddenly slapped the back of Hyeongjun's head.

"What the hell was that?!" he cried out, rubbing the back of his head.

"Do you know what you just did?!" the oldest began scolding Hyeongjun, "You just made him leave-"

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