Stray Kids - Forgive & Forget | 🧸 |

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Little: Chan

Caregiver: Stray Kids

Request/Idea - The author (Me)


Chan had been a little since he debuted with Stray Kids. The stress, all the performances and even being the leader were getting to Chan and before he knew it, he became a little. It's been five years and he still has yet to tell the rest of the members.

Today though, Stray Kids had a day off and they just decided to spend the day at 3racha's and Hyunjin's dorm. Minho and Felix were playing video games while Changbin and Hyunjin watched. Jisung, Seungmin and Jeongin were in the kitchen trying to make lunch together and not burn the dorm down. Chan was in his room, deciding that he would tell the others about little Channie, hoping the members would be okay with it.

As Chan walked to the living room, he held a plushie in his hands that was given to him from a fan. Chan reached the main area and nervously asked for everyone's attention, playing with the plushie in his hands. Chan told everyone that he was a little and waited for the other's responses, but instead got met with laughter.

"Yea right. Nice prank hyung" Hyunjin said, turning back to the TV.

"B-but I'm serious" Chan looked down, ashamed.

"That's kinda weird. And creepy" Jisung added.

"I agree. Aren't you the leader? You should be taking care of us & not act like a child" Seungmin popped out of the kitchen.

"Pl-please. I'm not joking" Chan started to tear up.

"I don't even know why you told us in the first place hyung" Changbin too started watching Felix and Minho again.

"Oh, o-ok t-then" he felt the first tear fall.

Chan had tears streaming down his face as he fled back to his room, plushie still in hand. 'This didn't go as expected' Chan thought as he locked the bedroom door and curled up on his bed, crying into his hands. Chan picked up the plushie and muttered something to it, choosing to run and live in a studio away from the members for the time being. The recently slipped little didn't budge, no matter how many times Minho, Changbin, Hyunjin, Jisung, Felix, Seungmin or Jeongin asked Chan to open the door.

Hours passed and Seungmin, Felix, Minho and Jeongin left to their own dorm without saying bye to Chan because he still hadn't left from earlier. Chan waited till everyone went to bed before taking his bag and slipping out of the dorm as quiet as possible. Chan called and took a cab to the building and found an empty studio to live in for the time being.

After setting everything up, little Channie went and heated up some milk with honey in his only bottle and went back to the studio. Chan curled up on the couch with his polar bear plushie and started drinking. Before he knew it, he fell asleep with the empty bottle falling to the floor.

~ The next day ~

It was another off day for Stray Kids as there was some incident at the building which had to have the building closed for the day. Minho, Felix, Seungmin and Jeongin chose to stay at the other dorm again.

Minho walked into the living room and asked for everyone's attention. He asked if anyone had see or heard from Chan since he fled the living room. Everyone either replied with "No, I haven't" "Isn't he still in his room?" "He's probably just sleeping."

Minho picked the lock and opened the door to Chan's bedroom to find it completely empty. He ran back to the main area to tell everyone that Chan is missing. Everyone else stopped what they were doing and started looking for Chan until Hyunjin found something hidden in the back of Chan's closet.

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