BTS - Here to stay | 🥀 |

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Sickie: Taehyung 

Caregiver: BTS (Mainly Seokjin)

Request/Idea - @jugglingzxs

Trigger warning: Needles, Weight loss, Hospital


Taehyung's week so far has been horrible. Right at the beginning of the week on Sunday, Taehyung had woken up with stomach pain that caused him to have to stay back at his apartment. Then a few days later, Taehyung still had the stomach pain that's been getting worse and better. That same day, Taehyung somehow managed to burn down his kitchen and was living with Seokjin until he had a new place to live.

Seokjin was, of course, surprised when he heard that the younger destroyed his kitchen and was asking to live with him but he ultimately decided to let him stay in his apartment. Taehyung didn't tell Seokjin about his stomach pain but Seokjin saw his dongsaeng's odd behaviour and confronted him about it. Taehyung told Seokjin his whole story and Seokjin offered to take him to the hospital because the pain's been going on for some days but Taehyung denied it and said he was fine.

"Taehyung! Breakfast!" Seokjin yelled from the kitchen as he started plating the pancakes.

Seokjin sat down with a plate of pancakes in front of him and watched Taehyung hobble into the kitchen, one of his arms wrapped around his stomach and one held out to help balance him.

"Stomach still hurting?"

"It is" Taehyung whimpered at the pain, "I'll be fine though. I'll still follow my schedule though" he grabbed his own plate and sat down.

"You can't be serious" Seokjin set his utensils down, "You're stomach's been hurting for almost the whole week. You should probably go to the doctor."

"Hyung, it's fine. It doesn't even hurt that bad" Taehyung said.

"At least eat the pancakes. You haven't eaten much since you got here" Seokjin followed up with, finishing his breakfast, "I'll be waiting in the car for you."

Taehyung nodded and watched as the older quickly washed his plate before leaving to grab his bag. When Taehyung ate his last bite and got up to wash his plate, Seokjin passed Taehyung and repeated where he'd be before putting on his shoes and leaving the apartment.

Taehyung washed his plate and dried it, putting it away. He made his way towards his room when he was suddenly hit with a painful cramp, leaning on the wall for balance. Taehyung clenched his eyes shut and took a few deep breaths while waiting for the cramp to pass. Eventually, it did and Taehyung continued his walk to his room he shared with Seokjin as he rubbed his stomach through his shirt.

He threw the door open, making his way over to the closest and pulled open the doors. He stared at all the clothes and grimaced at the thought of the pants pressing up against his stomach. Taehyung grabbed out a simple sweatshirt and matching loose sweatpants that didn't place so much pressure on his stomach and threw them on the bed before taking off his own clothes and changing into the other ones. Taehyung grabbed his bag which already had everything he needed then left the bedroom and went to the bathroom. He did his normal routine and checked the time to see he left Seokjin waiting for a while. The boy rushed to put on his shoes, falling over in the process and threw his bag over his shoulder before leaving and locking the door behind him.

~ In the car ~

"You took a while. This may not be just a simple stomach ache" Seokjin commented when Taehyung got in the passenger seat and placed his bag in the back with the older's.

"Hyungggggg" Taehyung whined, "I'm fiiiiiiinnnnneeee."

"Jeez. Don't need to be so whiny" Seokjin started up the car and started driving to the company.

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