Cravity - MAMA awards | 🥀 |

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Sickie: Allen

Caregiver: Cravity (Mainly Serim)

Request/Idea - Carateume47


The MAMA awards is a major music awards event for mainly kpop groups and soloists to award their achievements in the music industry. Some of the different things during the award ceremony include the actual awards but also performances. It can either be a solo or group performance and these can take days to weeks to even longer to prepare for. Cravity got the chance to attend the MAMA awards and Allen, the second oldest Cravity member, was given a solo dance performance on the first day. Everyone else was really happy for Allen that he got this chance but Allen was more stressed than happy.

The reason was quite simple and also a reason anyone in his position would also be stressed. He didn't wanna fuck up and embarrass him in front of a bunch of people. The moment the group left their manager's office, Allen ran straight to his dorm and locked himself in his and Serim's shared room to start planning. He wanted to start practicing as soon as possible so for the rest of the day (and night), Allen sat at his desk while trying to think of lyrics for a new song. Allen wanted to make an impact with his performance so he chose to perform a brand new song with new choreography and everything. Serim had to sleep on the couch that night and Allen apologized in the morning but Serim forgave him. They were told about this two months in advance so for the next two months, Allen planned to practice almost every single day. The first couple days he finished the lyrics to the song and did the instrumental before putting the two together and going over it. Allen was pretty proud of the final product and went to show his manager so he could start working on the choreo.

Allen started working with a choreographer and some backup dancers to start on his performance. It was going well, is what the backup dancers and choreographer would say but Allen was the opposite. He was beginning to feel overwhelmed at times and started cursing himself over agreeing to such difficult choreo. At the same time, he did his best to not take it out on his members but each day that passed, it got harder to do so. And today was making it even worse. Cravity was at dance practice going over some of the choreo for their older songs but Allen wasn't feeling too great. Long story short, he was sick because of the stress from his solo performance.

"Great job guys" Serim announced a few seconds after 'Break all the Rules' ended, "We can end today's dance practice and head home. I bet we all want food."

"Hyung, I was actually planning on staying back to work on my performance for MAMA" Allen spoke up, gaining everyone's attention and some concerned looks.

"Allen, you sure? I remember you saying you feel off earlier so it'd be better if you go home to rest. There's still time until the awards."

"I agree" Allen jumped when Wonbin suddenly appeared beside him, "It's better if you rest and feel better for tomorrow than just make yourself worse."

"There's still a month left 'till your performance so skipping one evening wont hurt" by this point, the other six were trying to get Allen to go home.

"I'd really rather get in as much practice as possible so I think I'm gonna stay here" Allen admitted, "I don't mean to sound rude or anything but can you guys leave because I don't wanna spoil it?"

"Hyung, please. I understand that it may be stressful and stuff but we don't want you overworking yourself to the point where you get hurt. Please just come back with us" Seongmin pleaded and the others joined in but Allen was still refusing.

Something in Allen just snapped and the idea of him not taking his anger out on his members went away, "I said I'm not going back, okay?! There are gonna be thousands and thousands of people watching me and I cant afford to skip like 5 hours!" Tears started rolling down his face, "A-And this is m-my first solo performance! I c-can't just fuck it up! *Sniffle* I'm staying right here to practice whether you guys fucking like it or not! And there's no way in hell you're making me go back!"

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