P1Harmony - Interview | ☀️ |

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Ship: Taeho (Theo & Keeho)

Request/Idea - The author (Me)


The moment Taeyang woke up, he was extremely nervous. He had applied to a well known company and had gotten an interview which was today. Taeyang tried going to bed early so he wouldn't be a wreck in the morning the previous night but like today, was too nervous to and ended up taking sleeping pills to force himself.

Taeyang lived by himself and owned a small apartment with two bedrooms, a kitchen, living room, a bathroom and a small office. Since it was only him in the apartment, Taeyang set an alarm for 6:00am as the interview was at 9:00am. It'd give him quite a bit of time to get ready and maybe even get some coffee from the nearby café.

He slid out of bed and immediately headed to the bathroom to take a shower which was right beside his room. He turned on the water and set it to warm before stepping it. After finishing the shower, Taeyang stepped out and dried his hair, the time already being 7:05am. Taeyang brought his suit into the bathroom with him and changed into it which took 10 minutes.

"I got this. Just go to the interview, don't fuck it up and get the job" Taeyang spoke to himself before going to the kitchen.

Taeyang just settled for a small breakfast since he still had 1hr 45min until his interview and he'd be stopping by the cafe. He grabbed some of the leftover chicken and rice from yesterday's dinner and heated in up before eating it and almost choking.

It was now 8am and Taeyang had gotten his stuff ready before leaving the apartment. He placed his stuff in the backseat of his car before getting in and driving away from the building.

~ At the café ~

Taeyang arrived in front of the café and parked before getting out. He entered the café and smiled at who was currently the person working there. The two met in high school and drifted apart a bit but still remained good friends.

"Morning, Intak" Taeyang smiled.

"Oh hey, Taeyang. Don't you have your interview today?" Intak asked the older.

"I have an hour so I just came here for some coffee."

"I'll have it ready in a bit."

Taeyang nodded and sat down at the table he usually sat at. The boy just scrolled on his phone and before he knew it, Taeyang saw Intak coming over with his coffee and a slice of cheesecake. He placed it in front of Taeyang before taking the seat on the other side of the booth.

"Why are you sitting here?" Taeyang questioned before biting into the cheesecake.

"It's a slow day so far and as you can see, barely anyone's here" Intak gestured to the almost empty café.

"Fair enough."

Just then, the door opened and a man walked in. He was also wearing a suit like Taeyang but his was definitely fancier and a different colour. Intak excused himself and left the booth to take his order.

Taeyang couldn't stop staring at the man. For some reason, he found him absolutely beautiful. He had this mysterious aura to him and Taeyang loved that. After the man was done ordering, he caught Taeyang staring at him and Taeyang froze in place, in the middle of taking a sip of his drink. The man gave a small smile to Taeyang before heading to where he'd be picking up his order.

Taeyang blushed and looked back down at the drink he placed back onto the table, feeling embarrassed the man had caught him staring at him. He also couldn't help but smile at the man's reaction. Taeyang saw the time on his phone and realized his interview would be starting in ten minutes. He finished the last couple drops of his coffee and said bye to Intak who was in the middle of making a drink before throwing the cup out and leaving the café.

~ When Taeyang arrives ~

Taeyang successfully made it to the company for his interview and walked inside the building only to be greeted by the reception at the entrance.

"Good Morning!" she exclaimed cheerfully, seemingly way too much excitement for the morning, "How may I help you?"

"I have an interview for a job here with the CEO" Taeyang said.

"One second" the woman typed something on her computer before looking back up, "You can go see him. Top floor, turn right, last office on your left. Good luck."

"Thank you."

Taeyang left the entrance and headed towards the set of elevators near. He got into one of them and pressed the button for the top floor, fidgeting with his sleeve the whole ride up.

Once the elevator reached the top floor, Taeyang followed the woman for downstairs' directions and soon found himself in front of the CEO's office. He knocked the door a couple times for hearing a voice from inside telling him to come in. Taeyang slowly opened the door and saw the CEO, Yoon Chulsoo, sitting at his desk.

"Yes?" he looked intimidating which made Taeyang shiver a little under the older's gaze.

"I'm here for an interview. My name's Choi Taeyang" Taeyang spoke as he entered the office fully and closed the door.

"Ah, yes. You may sit down and we can begin. My son was supposed to be here since he helps with interviews but he isn't back yet."

Taeyang nodded and sat down in one of the chairs in front of Chulsoo's desk. The interview started and to Taeyang's surprise, it was going pretty well. He hadn't messed up once and Chulsoo seemed to be interested in him.

Chulsoo's son finally arrived and Taeyang jumped when the door behind him suddenly opened. He turned to see who was gonna be deciding his fate and his jaw dropped at who it was. It was the same person from the café who saw Taeyang staring at him earlier. The same outfit, look, everything. And yes, Taeyang couldn't help but stare at him again. This time, he could actually see his face and Taeyang swore the man was AI.

"Taeyang, that's Keeho, my son. Keeho, this is Taeyang, the person we're interviewing."

Keeho turned and smiled at Taeyang again, "It's nice to see you again, Taeyang."

"You already know each other?" Chulsoo asked as Keeho sat down in the last free chair.

"I saw him staring at me in the nearby café."

Taeyang nodded and sighed, knowing that this interview would suddenly be taking a whole lot longer.

~ After the interview ~

"You can go now. I will let you know if you got the job in about two weeks."

Taeyang smiled then got up from the chair, leaving the office. It was exactly 12pm so Taeyang decided to stop by his apartment to change into something less formal then go and bother Intak at the café. He had just exited the building and was making his way to his car when he could hear Keeho call out to him from behind.

"Taeyang!" he turned to see what Keeho wanted.


"How was meeting my dad before I came? I know he could seem intimidating when you first meet him" Keeho chuckled.

"He was, definitely" Taeyang turned around to leave but Keeho stopped him again.

"Before you leave, here's my number in case if you wanna go out someday" Keeho handed him a slip of paper with his phone number on it.

"That'd be nice" Taeyang quickly put his number into his phone before he forgot to.

"You free tonight? We can meet up here at 7."

"Sure. Should I dress up?"

"Nope. I'll see you at 7, Taeyang."



WC: 1244

I know the ending of this oneshot is shitty but my mind went blank on top of 'Red Lights' playing right after 'Very Nice'.

Song recommendation: 'UTOPIA' by ATEEZ

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