Stray Kids - SKZ Family | ☀️ |

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Kids: Felix (3), Chan (5), Changbin (15)

Adults: Hyunjin & Jisung (C + C), Seungmin & Minho (F), Jeongin

Request/Idea - The author (Me)

I used the proper pronouns for each family member so for Felix, Hyunjin, Jeongin and Minho I used she/her pronouns.


"We're home!" Changbin yelled when him and his younger brother Chan came through the front door.

School had finished for Changbin and Chan around 20 minutes ago. Changbin had to walk to Chan's school as he was still in kindergarten and therefore in a different school. It took around 10 minutes to pick him up and the pair took another ten minutes to walk home.

Changbin was heading to his room room but turned around once the boys' mom, Hyunjin called the two from the living room. Changbin and Chan entered to see Hyunjin and Jisung together on the couch.

"Yea, mom? What do you need?" he asked, sitting down on the couch.

"Well" Hyunjin started, pulling Chan onto her lap, "I just wanted to say some of our family's coming over for dinner tonight."

"My brother, Seungmin's family to be exact. He's coming with Minho, Minho's sister Jeongin and your cousin, Felix" Jisung chimed in.

"Ooh, cool" Chan said.

"That's nice. When are they coming?" Changbin asked.

"At about 7:00."

Changbin nodded before leaving the living room and heading to his own room. He had gotten some math homework and quite a bit from that school day so he'd rather start in sooner than later.

He first changed out of his uniform and into something more comfortable but not pajamas. He then cleaned up the part of his room that was still a mess otherwise he would've gotten scolded before placing the homework on his desk. It was a reasonable sized packet that they were given three days to complete it. He zoned out in the middle of doing it that he startled when his phone suddenly buzzed.

Mom ❤️

Mom ❤️
Our family just got here

Coming mom
Love you

Mom ❤️
Love you too

Changbin closed up the packet and slid his phone in his back pocket before making his way downstairs to meet their family.

When he reached downstairs, the front door was open and his uncle, aunts and cousin all walked in. Seungmin and Minho walked in together, followed by a small Felix behind them and Jeongin at the back. He watched from afar the cute interaction between his younger brother Chan and his cousin Felix.

"Hi, Felix" Chan nervously spoke.

"Hi, Chris" Felix shyly spoke too.

"It's been a while since you were here" Chan continued.

"Yea" Felix toyed with the plushie in her hands, "A few months."

The adults watched the cute interaction between the youngests before Chan invited Felix and they left and headed to Chan's room. Changbin made his way towards the others.

"Why do you guys have luggage with you?" he asked, gesturing to the suitcases behind the three that were kinda visible.

"I guess your parents forgot to tell you, Changbin-" Seungmin started but his wife, Minho cut him off.

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