NCT 127 - Neglected | 🧸 |

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Littles: Taeyong, Donghyuck

Caregiver: NCT 127

Request/Idea - The author (Me)


When Donghyuck came out as a little to the other 127 members, he didn't expect the reaction he got. It did take some explaining by him what littlespace was but when the members understood it, they were perfectly okay with it. Being the only little in the group, little Channie loved having the attention to himself. He loved when all of his caregivers gave him their full attention and didn't like it when the attention was divided.

There was another little in the group, Taeyong. He was a closeted little thought and hadn't revealed himself to the group. He considered it after seeing how they acted towards and treated Donghyuck and ultimately decided he'd out himself. There were a ton of things Taeyong knew might go wrong but he wanted the others to know even if their reaction was negative.

The leader had called a group meeting after dinner and was currently sitting awkwardly on one of the couches, waiting for the others. Donghyuck was little today so it was a bit of a hassle when they were eating but it also made Taeyong more nervous because he knew how Donghyuck preferred attention.

"Sorry we took so long, hyung" Taeil spoke when the group came into the living room, "Channie here just wouldn't finish eating"

When Taeil sat down beside the younger with Donghyuck on his lap, Taeyong saw the little eating a cookie with crumbs all over his face and hands.

"No problem" he smiled, ruffling the mentally younger's hair.

"What did you wanna talk to us about?" Yuta asked, the other six members sitting down to listen to their leader.

"I've been thinking about it for a while and I finally decided to tell you that... *Sigh* I'm also a little."

There was a moment of silence so quiet you wouldn't think anyone lived in the dorm. Taeyong froze because of how quiet it was and played with the cuff of his sleeve while looking down at his lap. He jumped when a pair of arms wrapped around him from the side and he got a kiss on his cheek, leaving multiple cookie crumbs.

"Hyungie's wike me?" Donghyuck asked the older, looking up at him.

"I am, Channie. I'm a little just like you" he felt relieved that Donghyuck didn't seem angry.

"Yay! I'm getting a fwend!" he squealed, Taeyong hugging the little back.

"You are? Thanks for telling us, hyung" Jungwoo followed up with, "I know I speak for everybody when I saw we'll enjoy being your caregivers. If you're okay with it, that is."

"W-Weally? Chu be TaeTae's cawegivew?" he finally slipped into his headspace after being right on the edge of slipping.

"Of course, TaeTae. We'd love to take care of you."


Taeyong was beyond thrilled and even happier that they immediately offered to be little TaeTae's caregivers. The excitement quickly diminished when Jaehyun announced it was time for both Donghyuck and Taeyong to go to bed. Donghyuck, being a more energetic little refused saying he wanted to play with his fellow little but the caregivers compromised by letting them cuddle together.

Donghyuck agreed to that and the two littles set off to Taeyong's room. Johnny came over while Jaehyun was helping Taeyong into his pajamas with Donghyuck's bear plushie and his pajamas. To speed things up so the duo wouldn't be tired in the morning because of little sleep, he changed Donghyuck into his pajamas and left when the little was ready for bed. Jaehyun got the mentally younger members into bed and each of the mentally older members came to say goodnight one-by-one. Jaehyun made sure the littles were settled before turning off the light and letting them sleep.

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