VIXX - Younger than we thought | 🧸 |

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Little: Sanghyuk

Caregiver: VIXX

Request/Idea - @hyungie_djy


Sanghyuk, the maknae of VIXX, had a secret he's been keeping from his members since they debuted as a kpop group. The secret that he kept was that he was a little. Every time he came close to telling his members about his headspace, the maknae had nightmares about it which made him deny the thought.

Recently, the group's been busy and Sanghyuk hasn't had time to slip privately in his room. Since he kept suppressing his headspace and resisting the urge to slip, Sanghyuk started to develop a headache that wouldn't seem to go away. He tried taking some painkillers and hoped that they would help but by the time Sanghyuk woke up the next morning, his headache was worse. It's been three weeks so far, almost a month, and the youngest still had the headache which kept getting worse each day.

Today, Hakyeon, Taekwoon, Jaehwan and Sanghyuk all had a full schedule consisting of just dance practice. Sanghyuk had a lingering feeling in the back of his mind the loud music and moving around might push him to the brink and make him slip. He already woke up and whined when he felt the pressure in his head, making Sanghyuk's eyes widen.

"No, I can't be little. Not today" he muttered under his breath, sitting up in his bed.

Sanghyuk looked down at his lap and saw his panda plushie, Bamboo looking right back at him. She was given to him by a fan at a fanmeeting and she was one of his favourite plushies. His little side, Hyukkie, called her Bambam when he was too little to properly speak and Bamboo at an older headspace age.

"Sanghyuk~" Jaehwan called out, opening the door to his dongsaeng's room, "Breakfast is just leftovers from last night since we're running late."

"'Kay hyung" Sanghyuk rasped as his eyes adjusted to the light.

"You good? You look horrible" Jaehwan joked.

"I just woke up. You don't get to talk" the maknae sassed, glaring at the older.

"Wow, morning sass" Jaehwan ruffled Sanghyuk's already messy, "I'll see you in the kitchen."

"Bye hyung."

Jaehwan left Sanghyuk's bedroom, leaving him sitting up alone. Sanghyuk stood up, shivering at the cold temperature in his room. He wrapped his blanket around his shoulders and went to his mirror, seeing that Jaehwan was right. He did look horrible. Sanghyuk smoothed down his hair so it looked somewhat normal then quickly got dressed in practice clothes. While changing clothes, his eyes caught the black and white cropped sweater which made him resemble Bamboo that Hyukkie loved wearing. He smiled and started unconsciously reaching for it. Sanghyuk had the sweater halfway over his head when he realized what he was just doing. Sanghyuk quickly pulled it off and shoved the sweater in the back of his closet, grabbing a plain black t-shirt instead. The maknae slipped on some sweatpants and packed his bag, heading into the main area of the dorm.

All of his hyungs were already at the table, eating and ready to go. A plate sat in front of the last empty spot at the table and Sanghyuk assumed it was heated up for him so he placed his bag by the door and sat down in the last free chair. When he finished eating, Sanghyuk told the others he forgot something so the trio took his bag and left the dorm, going to the van waiting outside.

Sanghyuk surfed through the kitchen cabinets for about five minutes and finally found the bottle he was looking for. Painkillers. He grabbed a random glass and put it under the tap, letting the glass fill up halfway with water before shutting it off and setting the glass aside. Sanghyuk twisted open the bottle and placed one of the small pills on the palm of his hand, placing the bottle back. He threw the pill into his mouth and took a sip of the water right after. The maknae waited until he was sure he swallowed the pill before finishing the rest of the water and giving the glass a quick wash.

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