BTS - Trypanophobia | ❤️‍🩹 |

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Main members: Jimin, Taehyung (V), Jungkook

Caregiver: BTS

Request/Idea - @jugglingzxs


It was the day of BTS having to get injections. HYBE labels has started something where every year on a certain date, their idols would have to get a certain vaccination to stay safe. They announced it to the idols as well as their fans. Most people took it well, some idols being a little scared but that was understandable. For BTS however, they had more than just one.

Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook all had Trypanophobia which is a fear of needles so it made sense when the trio were skeptical about having to get injections every year. Taehyung was the worst of the three, never going even near a needle. It would still end in him getting it but with much struggle. Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok and Seokjin assured the youngest three it was perfectly fine.

BTS were currently getting ready to leave for their injections. It was just the one thing then they had the rest of the day off so they planned a movie night afterwards.

"You guys ready?" Namjoon asked as he saw Jungkook approach the van with Taehyung behind him.

"Pretty nervous but I guess we have to at some point" he replied.

"Y-Yea" Taehyung stuttered, absolutely petrified.

"There's nothing to worry about. It's just a tiny prick and you'll be fine."

Namjoon guided the two into the van and climbed in after Taehyung, sandwiching him between him and Jungkook.

For the whole ride, Taehyung switched his view between Jimin who was being comforted by Yoongi and being told the same thing that it'd just be a small prick in his arm and hurt for like two seconds. He then turned to his left where Jungkook sat, holding hands with Hoseok in an awkward position since Hoseok was in front of Jungkook.

Taehyung felt something brush against his left hand then give it a kind of reassuring squeeze. Taehyung turned his body towards his left side.

"It'll be okay, hyung" Jungkook spoke, "We can get through this."

"I-I think" Taehyung started slightly panicking when the van stopped in front of the BIGHIT building.

"Come on, let's get this over with" Jimin turned and said to the youngest ones before exiting the van and leaving them as the last two.

Taehyung stepped out first then Jungkook right after him. Taehyung reached for Jungkook's hand, not caring they were still outside and took it in his own. Jungkook smiled even though he too still had the fear and walked in with the others all ahead of Taekook.

When BTS got into the company building, Namjoon walked up to the desk and told the worker there about them being there for the members' injections. The worker gave the leader some information along with the rest of the group and they were on their way. The group stopped in front of one of the company's doctor's office and they all crowded inside once the person inside let them in.

"Here for your injections right?" she asked, tying on her computer.

"Yep" Yoongi spoke up, "Fair warning though, some of the members are a little nervous" he didn't state the names as he would have preferred it that way if he was scared.

"It's fine to be nervous" she assured, "Being scared of needles is a perfectly normal fear. Who wants to go first?"

"I think the younger ones since they're the ones with the fear so they can get it over with" Hoseok suggested, everyone agreeing.

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