ATEEZ - There's always a solution | 🥀 |

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Sickie: Wooyoung

Caregiver: ATEEZ

Request/Idea - ali38804


The date of the first concert for ATEEZ's "Towards The Light : Will To Power" North America tour was getting closer and closer which meant practicing every single day. Yes, ATEEZ were exhausted and yes, it was suspicious that nothing had gone wrong but the eight idols were wanted to put on an amazing concert for every ATINY at every location. As soon as their tour was announced, ATEEZ got up early and went to bed late, sung the setlist for hours until noon, did dance practice for some more hours and each day in the evening, the group had something different whether it was outfits, interviews or more. To sum it all up, their schedules were very hectic.

Today was basically the same except dance practice and and going over the setlist was switched. That meant ATEEZ were happy about getting to rest their voices for a bit but unhappy about having to dance so early in the morning. Something that was also different was that each member had solo dance practice so they could go over their moves and anything that they were struggling with. A van took the members to KQ and as soon as they got there, each member went into a separate practice room. When Wooyoung entered the practice room, he internally groaned at the sight of the dance instructor. Why? Well, the dance instructor just so happened to bully Wooyoung every chance he got on any small mistake the idol made. And Wooyoung didn't do anything since he didn't wanna get hurt.

"Well hello, Wooyoung. Do you actually wanna make progress or just slack off like you always do?" he asked when he saw Wooyoung.

"I'd rather just dance, Sir" Wooyoung replied, setting down his bag beside the couch in the back, "If you even let me" he muttered that last part which the dance instructor just so happened to hear.

"What did you just say?" he approached Wooyoung and grabbed the idol by his hair, "Were you just talking back to me because I can easily make your life a hell of a lot worse if you were."

"N-No, Sir. I wasn't."

"Good" he let go of Wooyoung, the poor idol wincing in pain at the grip on his hair, "Hurry up so we can start. I'm not waiting all day for your ass."

Wooyoung took a quick sip of water and discreetly wiped away the one tear that threatened to fall down his cheek before walking towards the center of the room. The dance instructor plugged in his phone and without telling Wooyoung nor letting him warm up first, he started playing a song. Wooyoung jumped at how loud it was but quickly caught on and started dancing to the music. The chosen song was one of the faster-paced ones ATEEZ made and Wooyoung would've preferred a slower-paced song as he wouldn't already be tired.

This went on for hours without Wooyoung getting a break which meant he has been dancing for 4 hours straight. The poor idol's moves became sloppier and he made more mistakes the more time passed. Wooyoung was practically begging at this point to be given a break even if it was short but unsurprisingly, his dance instructor refused and told him it'd now be longer until a break. Wooyoung was now dancing to 'Deja Vu' and his brain could barely process that he was supposed to be dancing. I mean, Wooyoung was dancing but it didn't look like the dance for 'Deja Vu' nor any of their other songs. What made the dance instructor snap was when Wooyoung misstepped, placing his foot down on its side and falling to the left. Immediate pain shot through the idol's ankle, making him cry out and bite down on his lip to keep himself from crying.

"Wooyoung, stop fooling around and get up off the floor. You barely did anything today and made close to no progress" the dance instructor waited, arms crossed as he glared at Wooyoung.

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