P1Harmony - Your day | ❤️‍🩹 |

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Main member: Shota (Soul)

Caregiver: P1Harmony

Request/Idea - The author (Me)


Shota was always working. And by always, I mean Shota never used his free time. During their schedules, Shota always put in 100% to keep up with the others. When P1Harmony got days off, Shota would go to the practice room, practice his vocals or even make up his own choreography some days. Some of the other P1Harmony members would call Shota a workaholic.

Today was no different. Each member had their own schedule to adhere to that day so Shota would be on his own. He didn't have much on it, just a vocal lesson and some dance practice. Shota left his room and headed to the dorm kitchen where Keeho sat eating some eggs.

"Morning, Shota" he smiled when he walked in.

"Morning, hyung" Shota smiled back, grabbing himself a bowl of cereal.

"What do you have on your schedule?" Keeho stood up to make another cup of coffee.

"Just a vocal lesson and dance practice. Nothing much."

"Don't work too hard, Shota. We all know how much you work and we don't want you to overwork yourself" Keeho said before leaving Shota and going to get ready.

Shota scarfed down his cereal before grabbing his bag, saying bye to the members still at the dorm and leaving to his vocal lesson.

Shota made it with five minutes to spare so he started warming up his voice with the small amount of free time. When his vocal coach came and instructed him to start warm ups, Shota explained he came early and already warmed up to which the vocal coach was happy with. It meant they'd have more time for the lesson which Shota was happy with. They started by going over some of P1Harmony's songs then into the proper lesson.

When the lesson finished, it was lunch time so Shota decided to head to the break room for a small snack before dance practice. He walked into see Taeyang making himself some ramen. Shota walked up behind him and gave Taeyang a back hug which spooked him.

"Hi Shota" Taeyang chuckled once he turned around to properly hug the younger, "Why are you here?"

"I came for a small snack from the vending machine before dance practice" Shota replied, walking to the vending machines.

"Cool. I'll be in the studio if you need anything" Taeyang added then left with his ramen.

Shota grabbed a small snack then refilled his water bottle at the water fountain before heading to the practice rooms. Shota chose an empty room and placed his stuff down before going to start stretching.

Shota was in the middle of going over one of their songs when something knocked on the door. Shota had left the door closed so he turned off the music and called out to let the person know they could come in. Jongseob walked in and greeted his hyung before walking up to him.

"Hey hyung. How's practice going?" Jongseob asked as he set his stuff down.

"It's good. Why are you here, Jongseob?" Shota asked as he sat down on the couch beside his only dongsaeng.

"I was about to head to the studio with Taeyang but I had a question and saw you here so I thought I'd ask."

"What's the question?"

"I wanted to know why you practice so much, hyung. You never seem to use free time to relax and are always working."

Shota sighed. He hasn't told anyone this before because he wasn't sure how they'd react but Shota always had a feeling it would come out at some point. Shota sighed again before turning to Jongseob and telling him the story.

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