Enhypen - Princess pt. 3 | 🧸☀️ |

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Little: Sunoo

Caregiver: Enhypen

Request/Idea - SwHEEt_SEUNGberry


What Sunoo had in mind for his hyungs and dongsaengs wasn't as bad as the others thought or made it seem. All he really had in mind was slipping for the rest of the night until he went to bed and spending this time with all of his members. Niki, Heeseung, Jungwon, Jake and Jay all breathed a sigh of relief as the five thought what Sunoo was hinting at was way worse than hanging out with little Sunnie. Sunoo moved over and so did Sunghoon so most of the group could sit on the older's bed and the rest sat on the floor. As soon as his members were sitting on the bed or floor, he immediately got up and took his colouring book, dummy and Ginger as he ran to grab his box of littlespace stuff.

Enhypen watched as Sunoo had slipped right back into his headspace and grabbed the pink box on the other side of Sunghoon's and the three maknae's room, under his bed. He ran back to the mentally older members and sat down on Sunghoon's lap, the pleats of the skirt becoming sort of flat under him. Sunoo was ready to show all his little gear but Sunghoon instead suggested he show his mentally older hyungs the box first. Like I previously explained, the pink box was covered in cute stickers, drawings little Sunnie made and even the words "Property of the cutest baby, Sunnie" that Sunghoon wrote on the bottom. To the others' surprise (except for Sunghoon because he already knew), it took Sunoo about a day just to decorate the box because he wanted it to show his little side's personality.

"-an' dis is Gingew, my bestest fwend. An' dis is my bottwe hyungie got me today. An' these my dummies. Oh! An' hyungie paint nails pwetty cowouw. I wuv them!" Sunoo exclaimed, showing the others the light purple polish that coated his fingernails.

"Those are really pretty, little one. Sunghoon did a good job" Jake smiled as he held one of Sunoo's hands to look at the polish.

"He sure did" Heesung added then quickly changed the topic, "I don't know about everyone else but I think we should do something. And like Jungwon said, we can do whatever you want."

"Hmm... wanna give makeovews! Wif makeup hyungie got!"

"Now we see that you don't have any makeup on so should we give you a makeover or you give us one?" Jay questioned the little who thought for a but before pointing to himself.

"I give."

After turning around and making grabby hands towards Sunghoon, the older picked up the now happy little and Sunoo told his mentally older hyungs, well, hyungies to the little, to show the makeup he had in the box. Sunoo ended up choosing everything he owned as the mentally youngest couldn't choose what items he wanted. Niki put the box back where Sunoo always kept in and for ease (also because it would be easier to clean), Enhypen moved to the living room for the makeovers. Sunghoon set Sunoo down in front of the coffee table and helped the younger choose a movie to which he chose 'Ratatouille'. The movie was mainly for the background though and that's why Sunghoon told Sunoo to not choose one of his favourites but again, Sunoo just couldn't choose one that wasn't a favourite.

Sunghoon started up the movie but paused it so he could help Niki and Jay with distributing dinner. They brought Sunoo's favourite from the place they got dinner from but it was really spicy and they could already tell little Sunnie would not like spice at all. So instead, the trio took a portion of their food, along with the others' that Sunoo would most likely eat so it wouldn't take a while for his dinner. They brought over the plates of food where Sunoo had already started Jungwon's makeover. They were surprised at how Sunoo, a little in a younger headspace, age like a toddler, was so good at doing makeup. He stuck his tongue out as he carefully applied some eye shadow and tuned out his hyungs. When Niki called over however that dinner was here, Sunoo immediately ran over, brush clutched in his right hand.

"Sunnie, you can't eat with the makeup brush in your hand. You'll get it all dirty with stuff that isn't makeup" Sunghoon explained, Sunoo sadly nodding.

"Otay... Wonie hyungie wooks good?" he pointed as his mentally older hyung took his phone out to see what he looked like.

"He looks amazing, but I bet he'll look even better when it's done and most importantly, you like it." Niki answered and made him to emphasize the "you like it" part.

"Yay! Wonie hyungie wooks weally supew amazin'"

"Thank you, Sunnie" Jungwon looked up from his phone's camera, "It does look really super amazing."

"Seungie hyungie, can I give you makeovew pwease?" the little stood in front of Heeseung as he held the best puppy dog eyes one could do.

"You can after dinner, cutie. You still need to eat dinner otherwise it'll get all cold and gross but don't worry about running out of time. We'll make sure you have enough for everyone else's makeovers" the oldest responded which made the sad look on Sunoo's face turn happy.

"Come sit with hyungie, princess" Sunghoon had sat down on a free spot on the couch.

Sunoo sat back down on Sunghoon's lap and the former reached for the remote to start the movie. Sunoo had his back pressed up against Sunghoon's chest as they watched the movie because Sunoo wanted a clear view of the TV and he wouldn't have to look away when Sunghoon held some food on the chopsticks for him to eat. To be honest, had he known his hyungs and dongsaengs would be nice to him (mainly Sunghoon), Sunoo would have preferred to come out as a little to his caregivers way earlier than today. It's way easier to be little when you don't have to worry about someone accidentally finding out and when you have a caregiver to look after you.

When everyone was done eating, Sunoo immediately went back to giving makeovers and starting up again with Heesung. Heeseung's look ended up completely different from Jungwon's look in style but the other five were still so impressed. Next was Jay, then Niki, then Jake, and finally, probably Sunoo's favourite caregiver he got, Sunghoon. Sunoo went all out for Sunghoon's makeover and by the time he was finished, it was 1:15am, everyone except Sunsun had fallen asleep in their spots and Sunoo was also on the verge of sleeping. His head kept dipping down and Sunghoon could tell the little needed to go to bed but was trying to stay awake so as soon as they cleaned the makeup brushes, Sunghoon picked up little Sunnie and carried his princess to their shared room. He helped change Sunoo into pajamas and got him all settled in bed with Ginger when Sunoo suddenly reached out to grab Sunghoon's hand.

"Appa, stay wif Sunnie?" the little's words slurred together as he fought to keep his eyes open.

"Sure" Sunghoon was gonna go change into his pajamas before turning back around to Sunoo, "Hey princess, can you repeat that?"

"S-Stay wif Sunnie?" Sunoo was confused as to why Sunghoon wanted him to repeat what he just asked.

"No, not that. What did you call me? You're not in trouble or anything."


Sunghoon felt so happy hearing Sunoo call him 'Appa', "Really baby? Am I your appa?"

"Can you be appa pweasie?"

"Of course I'll be your appa, princess. I'd be honoured to."

Sunghoon quickly changed into his pajamas, not taking time to go wake up his fellow members still asleep in the kitchen then grabbed makeup wipes to remove what Sunoo did from him but seeing the little's eyes fill with tears made his heart sink. He promised Sunoo he could redo it in the morning and even took a photo so Sunoo could have a reference before taking off the makeup. The older slid into the bed and Sunoo laid his head on Sunghoon's chest, cuddling close to the other. Being extremely tired, the two of them both fell asleep mere seconds after getting comfortable. Sunoo was happy with his new caregivers, his hyungies and his appa, and Sunghoon was happy for the new little he'd get to care for and love.


WC: 1389

My arms feel like they're gonna fucking fall off. I went with my parents to go get my new bed yesterday and omfg, it was so heavy. I also almost dropped the biggest box on my foot so that was fun ig. Also yesterday, I had one of the best cinnamon buns I've ever eaten. I wanna go back just for the cinnamon bun tbh.

Song recommendation: 'The Killa (I Belong to You)' by TXT

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