BTS - 2 days | 🥀 |

526 6 4

Sickie: Taehyung

Caregivers: Seokjin and Yoongi

Request/Idea - @jugglingzxs


2 days. 48 hours. 2,880 minutes. 172,800 seconds. A lot can happen in this amount of time and for BTS, a lot did happen. Let me rewind back two days when the group of seven were at the studio recording song covers for ARMY and Taehyung wasn't feeling too well. He brushed it off earlier in the day like nothing happened and got into the recording booth after Namjoon to record a cover of 'Rush' by Monsta X (great song, i highly recommend it). Taehyung's been practicing the song for a couple weeks to the point where it was already memorized but for some reason, the words never appeared in his mind even though they were on paper in front of him and he just stood there.

The six members gathered on the couch at the back of the studio called out to get his attention but with the second youngest having headphones on, he could barely hear them. The members' hearts stopped when Taehyung ripped the headphones off, the headphones falling to the floor and ran out of the studio with a hand clamped firmly over his mouth. Taehyung was found a little later in a bathroom stall, slumped against one of the walls unconscious. Of course, they all started freaking out and an ambulance was called soon after to take the poor idol to the hospital. He didn't have to stay for long and got discharged a few hours later but was told to stay at his apartment with Seokjin and Yoongi taking care of him. Taehyung was told to stay in bed for at least four days to rest and recover but Taehyung had other plans.

"Taehyung! We're back!" Yoongi yelled when he and Seokjin entered the second youngest's apartment.

"And we've got the food!" Seokjin added right after, sliding his shoes off and placing them beside the door.

Seokjin then turned to his dongsaeng, "I can go set the table while you go get Taehyung from his room. That's where I'm assuming he is" Yoongi nodded in response and handed the bag of food to the older.

Like I mentioned earlier, the doctor who was assigned to Taehyung back at the hospital told the idol to stay in his apartment for a minimum of 4 days and Seokjin and Yoongi offered to move in with him for this time frame. Taehyung agreed because with the whole group being given that time off, it'd feel nice to have someone taking care of him. 2 days later however, Taehyung felt perfectly fine and wanted to go back to his schedule but was promptly refused and told even if he felt fine, his body wasn't and needed the rest. This began to annoy Taehyung and he made plans to try sneaking out but Yoongi walked in on him and was quickly shut down. The second youngest didn't give up and while his two hyungs were out getting dinner for the three of them, he was making another plan to sneak out.

Taehyung had a rather large friend group consisting of idols and trainees (about 10) and they planned to all meet up to spend the evening at an arcade. Taehyung sadly told them about him not being able to leave his apartment but Sungjae, a trainee under PLEDIS, suggested he just sneak out. And that's what he was currently doing. Taehyung packed a small bag full of stuff he would need for tonight and contemplated leaving a note for Seokjin and Yoongi but something told him not to so he didn't.

"Taehyung, we're back. Seokjin hyung is-" Yoongi opened the door to Taehyung's bedroom but was met with no one. Yoongi then went to Taehyung's mini studio but to his surprise didn't see the younger there either, "Okay Yoongi, don't freak out. He's probably in the living room and you just missed him" the idol spoke to himself, adding a nervous chuckle at the end..

Yoongi not so quietly closed the door to Taehyung's studio and ran to the living room, only to be met with silence. He checked everywhere until out of the corner of his eye, the second oldest saw the faintest of movement. He called out to Seokjin while not looking up if it was his hyung but Seokjin answered by saying he was still waiting for him and Taehyung. Seokjin stopped in his tracks however when he looked at the front door and there was Taehyung, trying to sneak out again.

"Kim Taehyung, care to explain what you're doing right now?" the oldest spoke like an angry parent, making Taehyung groan and turn around.

"What do you want?" obviously, Taehyung was not happy about this.

"What I want is to know why the fuck are you trying to sneak out after both the doctor, me and Yoongi specifically told you to rest" by this time, Yoongi joined Seokjin and looked just as angry.

"I made plans with some other idols, okay?" Taehyung snapped back, "And besides, I'm perfectly f-"

"No you're not fine" Yoongi interrupted, his voice lower than normal, "You may feel fine but your body still needs the rest. I told you this when I found you making plans to sneak out the first time."

"We're supposed to be looking after you and not letting you go do whatever" Seokjin followed up with but it didn't seem to do anything.

Taehyung had it with his hyungs, "You're not my fucking parents! You're not in control of me nor do you own me! We're just members in the same fucking group and we don't always have to get along! You two are literally just here because some stupid doctor said so!"

Seokjin and Yoongi looked over at each other with anger evident in their eyes then looked back at Taehyung, "So we aren't your parents, who cares?! But we still have the right to punish you!"

Seokjin walked forward and harshly grabbed Taehyung's arm who struggled against the older's grip which only made Seokjin tighten his grip, Taehyung wincing at the pain. He started walking towards Taehyung's room, not caring about his dongsaeng's protests while Yoongi grabbed the bag from Taehyung, set it down in the kitchen and joined the other two. When they got to Taehyung's room, Seokjin threw the younger onto the bed, letting both him and Yoongi walk in before closing the door and locking it.

Taehyung used his other hand to massage the red mark Seokjin's hand made on his arm and watched his hyungs walk up to the bed he was on and block him from leaving. Seokjin gave a quick explanation that he was done with the way Taehyung was behaving for them and at this point, it felt like he was taking advantage of his hyungs. Yoongi also added how sure, they weren't his parents and he wasn't their child but if needed, they'd have to punish him like he was one. The oldest continued and told Taehyung he'd be locked in this room for the next two days until his recovery was done and he could resume his schedule. Before Taehyung could fight back, Seokjin and Yoongi left the room, leaving Taehyung locked in their for the next two days.

~ 2 days later ~

"What do you want?" Taehyung groaned, looking up at Yoongi who unlocked his door.

"You're free to go" Yoongi moved to the side to show Taehyung was freed from the prison.

"What do you mean?"

Yoongi sighed, "Your recovery's done and you can go back to your schedule. The manager wanted you to go by his office later today to discuss some thing" he explained before leaving the room and the door open.

"Hey hyung?" Taehyung called out, making Yoongi turn around with a hum, "I'm sorry for how shitty I acted this past half-week."

Yoongi walked back into the room and closed the door behind him before sitting down on the edge of the bed beside Taehyung, pulling the younger into a hug. He comforted the second youngest as he thanked him for the apology and mentioned that they never acted like this just to be mean to him. They did this because although Taehyung can be annoying for them at some times, the whole group still loved him as one of their members and that BTS would never be BTS without him.


WC: 1409

Seokjin's back from the military! I'm so glad he's back and safe too. Now we just have to wait for Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook to return safely.

Song recommendation: 'Boom Boom Bass' by RIIZE

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