Xdinary Heroes - Enemies | 🧸 |

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Littles: Jooyeon, Jiseok (Gaon)

Caregiver: Xdinary Heroes

Request/Idea - The author (Me)


On camera, Jooyeon and Jiseok has been known as Gayeon. Their ship is one of the most popular in Xdinary Heroes and fans can see why. Off camera too, Gayeon was a cute ship in general.

Villains didn't know this but Jooyeon and Jiseok are both age regressors. In littlespace, the two despised each other with a burning passion. When both of them were in their headspaces, they would get into constant fights which ended up in both members going in time out. Of course, little Jiji and Yeonie never learned from this and kept fighting.

Xdinary Heroes had talked to both Jiseok and Jooyeon, both of them knowing what their little sides do to each other. They knew it would probably be hard but they said to try to have only one little slip at a time. If both littles ended up slipping, the mentally older four members would split up into pairs and keep the littles apart. This could only last for a certain amount of time though...

"Jiji, baby" Seungmin spoke, softly rubbing Jiseok's back, "It's time to wake up."

Jiseok had gone to bed little last night and this goes for both littles, when they go to bed in their headspaces they wake up little too.

The mentally younger rolled over to see his roommate, Seungmin sitting on the edge of the bed and already dressed. Jiseok sat up and rubbed his eyes with his fist, Seungmin reaching out and pulling Jiseok's hand away.

"Don't do that, baby. You'll hurt yourself" Seungmin said, "Did you sleep well, Jiji?"

"Yea! Wanna go to pawk!" Jiseok exclaimed, rushing out of bed.

"Hold on" Seungmin chuckled, pulling Jiseok onto his lap before he got too far, "We have to eat breakfast first. After that, we can go to the park, okay Jiji?"

"Otay, Minnie."

Seungmin picked the boy up and rested him on hip, carrying the boy to the kitchen for breakfast. When the pair got to the kitchen, Jooyeon already sat at the table eating some cereal. Seungmin and Jiseok didn't know Jooyeon was little that morning so Seungmin sat Jiseok down on the chair directly opposite of Jooyeon and went to make him something to eat.

While Seungmin made Jiseok some toast with nutella and himself some cereal, Jungsu walked in and sat down beside Jooyeon. He saw Jooyeon had finished with the cereal so he took the bowl and went to wash it while Seungmin came over with Jiseok's nutella toast with some banana.

"Yeonie hyungie, wan' banana?" Jiseok picked up a piece of banana.

"Nuh tawk to me" Jooyeon whined.

Jungsu whipped his head around when he heard Jiseok's little voice and Seungmin did the same with his head when he heard Jooyeon respond with his little voice. Jungsu excused himself and ran over to where the two littles were arguing.

He took Jooyeon's hand guided him softly to the living room. When he passed by Jiseok, Jooyeon teased him by sticking his tongue out at his fellow little to which Jiseok did the same. Seungmin came back with a cup of coffee and his bowl of cereal, sitting beside Jiseok who was at the table by himself.

"Jiji, you know we don't stick our tongues out at people. It's not nice" he lightly scolded as he cut the toast into bite-size pieces.

"Bu' Yeonie meanie. An' he do it fiwst. He meanie to Jiji" Jiseok pouted, crossing his arms.

"I'm sure Jungsu hyung is talking to him right now. You still wanna go to the park, right?" he asked, feeding the mentally younger some toast and earning a nod, "Let's eat first then we'll get ready."

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