Stray Kids - Hard times | 🥀 |

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Sickie: Changbin

Caregiver: Stray Kids

Request/Idea - @Staythatsteals

Trigger Warning - Seizure, Hospital, Surgery, slight talk of blood


Changbin's mood dropped when he was told he'd have to get his wisdom teeth removed. He did not like being in pain and after doing quite a bit of research, it just made the situation so much worse. What also didn't help was the other members telling him it'd be fine which stressed him out.

A driver was taking him to his appointment with the other 3racha members, Chan and Jisung, coming along for support. They arrived in front of the dentist office and Changbin just became way more stressed out.

"The surgeons will give you anesthesia so you won't even be awake during the removal, hyung" Jisung assured as they walked in and sat down.

"Will it even work? What if I wake up mid-operation? It'll just make it worse" Changbin started ranting to the younger.

"That won't happen, Binnie" Chan added after he finished talking to the receptionist, "They'll make sure you're fully unconscious 'till after the operation."

The pair kept trying to make Changbin less stressed about the removal but it didn't work.

"Seo Changbin? We're ready for you" one of the doctors came into the waiting room.

"C'mon hyung, it's time. We'll even stay in the room with you if possible" Jisung pulled Changbin to his feet.

"'Kay Sungie" he slightly smiled.

~ One and a half weeks later ~

It's been one and a half weeks since Changbin had gotten his wisdom teeth removed. The first couple days, he wouldn't stop complaining about the pain but that was normal so the others didn't care about it much.

The healing's actually been quite good, even a bit ahead of what other people experienced. Changbin however, thought it's taking too long and something was wrong. He'd check in the mirror everyday and hope it was completely healed.

To make it worse, Changbin hadn't been feeling the best the past few days. They took him back to the dentist office but he was told everything was healing well. Changbin's been having painful headaches, blurry vision from time to time and both his arms and legs have been feeling weak and numb. Today, Changbin had a particularly bad headache so he headed to the bathroom for any medicine to take.

Changbin was about halfway to the bathroom when he felt really dizzy and everything blurred together before fading to black and his body hitting the floor.

"Was it just me or did you hear a thud?" Hyunjin asked Jisung.

The two were in the latter's room playing video games when a thud was heard followed by quieter noises outside his door.

"I heard it too. I'm gonna go check. Be right back, hyung" Jisung put down his controller before stepping outside the room, "CHANGBIN HYUNG!"

"Jisung?! Is Changbin okay?" Hyunjin asked the younger before following him outside of his room, "Oh my god!"

When Hyunsung both left Jisung's room, they were met with a surprising sight. Changbin, laying on the floor, having a seizure. He was unconscious and his limbs were jerking fast which made it look like to the pair he had no control.

Hyunjin rushed over to Jisung's side from where he was crouched beside Changbin, seeming unsure on what to do. Having knowledge on this sort of stuff, Hyunjin suddenly spoke up.

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