TXT - Sad & Surprised | ❤️‍🩹 |

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Main member: Beomgyu

Caregiver: TXT, Jeongin (SKZ), Heesung (Enhypen), Lim Jimin (JUSTB)

Request/Idea - The author (Me)


Tomorrow would be Beomgyu's birthday, March 13th. Beomgyu was a little kid in the sense that he loved celebrating his birthday. The presents, the cake, the activities, everything. He loved his birthday that much ever since he could remember.

The other TXT members knew this too. They saw how excited he would get when he woke up and ran to the main area of the dorm, seeing all the birthday decorations. For this birthday, TXT were gonna plan a surprise for him so during the day, TXT made sure to tire Beomgyu out so he'd go to bed early. This turned out to be successful when Beomgyu stated he'd go to bed early then left to his room. They all waited until the door closed then started talking.

"What are we thinking for tomorrow?" Yeonjun asked no one in particular.

"I have an idea" Huening Kai spoke up, "Let's make it a surprise party. We'll pretend that we forgot his birthday, then one of us will go on a walk or something and make sure Beomgyu hyung goes too. Then while the two are out, the other members will set up the dorm" he explained.

"There's one problem with that" Taehyun argued, "Beomgyu loves his birthday so he'll be devastated if we act like we forgot."

"I'll make the surprise better, I think" Soobin agreed with the maknae.

After much deliberation, it was decided that Beomgyu would be having a surprise party tomorrow. Soobin would at some point go on a walk and make sure Beomgyu joins him then while the two are out, Taehyun, Huening Kai and Yeonjun would set up the dorm.

They all parted ways and went to their separate rooms. Taehyun made a quick pit stop first at Beomgyu's room. He slowly opened the door and saw Beomgyu already asleep in a mess of blankets. He soon left and closed the door, heading to his own room. Already in his pajamas, Taehyun slid into his own bed, promptly falling asleep soon after.

~ The next day ~

The day was Beomgyu's birthday. The other four members each set an alarm so they'd wake up earlier than Beomgyu and be able to go over the surprise one more time. Taehyun woke up first, then Soobin, Yeonjun and finally Huening Kai.

Soobin was in the kitchen making himself and Yeonjun, Taehyun and Huening Kai all breakfast when all four heard fast footsteps. They looked to see Beomgyu rush into the kitchen like how he normally does on his birthday. Soobin turned to the others at he table, silently telling them to not ruin any surprises before turning back to Beomgyu.

When Beomgyu woke up the morning of his birthday, he looked at his phone before springing up upon remembering the date. He rushed out of bed, falling flat on his face and ran to the main area of the dorm. His smile faltered once he saw no birthday decorations.

"Morning, Beomgyu" Soobin smiled, "I just started making breakfast. Want me to make you some eggs?" he asked, turning back to the stove.

Beomgyu looked around, the others members greeting him as if it was a normal morning. They didn't even hint at it being his birthday. He nodded sadly when Soobin turned back to him and went to grab something to drink.

He sat down at the table, silently drinking some coffee while on his phone before Soobin placed a plate of eggs in front of Beomgyu. He looked at the plate, hopefully seeing something that hinted at his birthday but he saw nothing. Beomgyu ate his breakfast then placed his dishes in the sink to be washed, sprinting to his room before anyone could stop him.

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