A Good Day To Be A Teacher - PuddingSnatcher

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AN: I know this isn't necessarily a Nick and Charlie oneshots but it's so cute I couldn't help but share it.


It's a great day at Truham, according to Coach Singh.
This is 100% fluff! Maybe 115%.

(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:
Priya Singh-Stevens is not known for being easily excitable or emotional. Nor would she like to be.

She is known for being fair, supportive and maybe a tad strict, if necessary. To a few, she's also known as a confidant.

Today, Priya Singh-Stevens is also excited. Very excited even. And emotional.

Because every once in a blue moon something happens that will single-handedly restore her faith in, well, the world.

The lessons until lunch tick by slowly, painfully so.

It's a good thing her job has Priya on her feet most of the day because there's no way she would be able to sit still.

No less than four students have asked if she's alright this morning and why she's in such a great and excited mood.

She almost wants to tell them. But they wouldn't understand. Only a small part of it at most.

As soon as Priya finishes, "Trey, Parick and James – collect the cones and balls please, thank you!" she's speed-walking the school corridors.

She won't run, obviously. She's a person of authority, after all. But she will do anything but run.


She catches him right as he steps out of his classroom, following a gaggle of students.

"Nathan!" she calls, hurrying his way.

He almost drops the paint brush jars he's carrying.


A couple of students stop to look at her curiously. She shoos them away. "Off to lunch with you, go on!"

Finally, they're alone.

Nathan Ajayi still clutches his brush jars and looks at her with wide eyes. "What on earth is going on?"

"Did you get it?"

"Did I—"

"You didn't, did you? No, of course, you didn't. Obviously. Come on!"

Priya pries the glass jars from her colleague's hands and puts them on the floor, the multi-coloured water sloshing.

"Priya, what the—"

She grabs Nathan's hand and starts pulling him down the corridor. "You'll see in ten seconds! Come on!"

The teacher's lounge is blessedly empty as they enter. A result of the nice weather, no doubt.

But who cares about that?

"Here!" She stops in front of the mail wall.

Priya is bouncing on her toes. Something she hasn't done in probably thirty years.

But today is special. Today is a day worthy of toe-bouncing.

Nathan looks between the mail wall and Priya. "Um. Okay?"

"Oh my god, check your mail! Now!"

"If I do, will you tell me what the fuck is going on with you?"


Nathan takes forever to pull his small stack of mail from the little shelf that says N. Ajayi.

Her eyes eagerly scan the envelopes and flyers. "It's the second from the bottom! That one! Open it! But don't look at the sender!"

Nathan shakes his head. "If you weren't so hyper, I'd be scared—"

"Open the damned letter already!"

"Okay, okay! My god. This had better be VIP tickets to Beyoncé or something."

Instead of answering, Priya watches. Watches as her friend grabs the letter opener that's been dangling from the wall for the past two decades or more. Watches as he carefully opens the envelope and finally, finally, pulls out what's inside.

She waits. She knows it will take a second. But it will come.

Nathan's hand flies to his mouth. "Oh my god." He turns the card in his fingers, his eyes already shining with moisture.

She knew there would be tears.

"I know."

"I... wow."

"I know! I opened mine this morning."

They smile at each other, wide and watery.

"Isn't this the best thing to happen in forever?"

Nathan nods. "It really is."

It is.

It's the best.

And it's just a few little lines:


Nicholas Nelson & Charles Spring

request the pleasure of your company

at their wedding celebration.



I hope you enjoyed this little ficlet :) Did you see the ending coming? I'd love to know <3

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