48: Caught

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I'm back! Thank you guys so much for being patience while I took a break. I hope you like this new part!!!!

"So what, we're like cousins?" Mikasa asked.

"I guess." Levi sighed.

"I don't know why you two seem so disappointed." Lillian sighed as she offered each of them a cup of tea. "There are worse things than us being related."

"It's not that I'm disappointed," Levi took a sip of the tea then set the cup down. "It's just strange."

"I'll give it to you, this is awkward." Lillian sat down at the table with them. She smiled as she looked at the two of them. "But isn't this a good thing? We've all lost our families, forcing us to find a family with others. Isn't it nice knowing that not all of your family is gone?"

Mikasa's mouth parted slightly as she thought about it. The last time she had been with her family was when she was a child. Then they died in front of her eyes. She had never known any other family members than her parents. Then she met Eren and became a part of his family. But she still felt like an outsider. Now here was Levi and Lillian. Both were strong like her, both understood what she had been through.

"I guess if I had to be related to anyone I would want it to be you two." Mikasa offered Lillian a small smile.

Unlike Mikasa, Levi had always had Lillian. Even if the rest of his family died he knew Lillian would always be there for him. He would make sure that she never died. His mother and uncle died. He never knew his father. Furlan and Isabel had died on his watch. He wouldn't let Lillian fall to the same fate. But now there was also Mikasa. He wasn't very close to her, but he did appreciate her silence. Sure, it would be weird, but they were family. Maybe Lillian was right, maybe a bigger family was better.

"Am I interrupting something?" Historia asked, walking into the room with other nobles and military officials following her.

"No, you are our Queen. I don't think it counts as interrupting if you walk in." Lillian joked.

"You know I don't want you to do that stuff, Lillian." Historia waved her off. "Now, shall we discuss the orphans?" She, all the nobles, and military officials sat down at the table with Levi, Lillian, and Mikasa.


"I'm surprised that you and Lillian wanted to help with this." Historia's bright blue eyes looked at the silent sibling.

"Lily and I grew up in the Underground. We understand how much it sucks to live down there. Of course we want to help as many kids escape that hell hole as we can."

"Good. Then let's begin."


Ever since the coup happened Lillian and Erwin had been on lock down in terms of their relationship. With the Military Police being a little too nosy in their relationship it was dragging up more attention than they wanted. Nile knew, and so many other MPs. Luckily, most of those MPs were from the capitol, and Historia hadn't been seen in the capitol as much as she should have been.

Lillian and Erwin were sitting with each other in his office. This was the first time in weeks that the two had alone time together, that wasn't sleeping. Erwin sat in his chair, while Lillian sat in his lap. She had offered many times to move and sit on his couch, but Erwin wrapped his arm around her and told her not to leave. So she stayed.

"What are you reading?" Erwin looked over to the book Lillian had in her hands.

"Just some book that's been sitting on my shelf." Lillian hummed.

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