𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 16

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-Start of Chapter 16-

"YOU WANT TO THE FUCKING TRUTH THEN Y/N?!" His voice breaks as he sobs more in my embrace.

He manages to say through his unbearable cries, "Sunghoon hyung... he...he's d-dying..."

Shock courses through my veins, freezing me in a moment of disbelief. I can't seem to believe my ears...

I hold Sunoo tighter in my arms, shock and sorrow overwhelming me. The revelation echoes in my mind, and the weight of the truth settles upon my shoulders like a crushing burden.

"Dying...?" I whisper, my voice barely audible.

Sunoo nods, his sobs racking his body. "Yes... He's been sick for a while, and it's... it's getting worse. We've tried everything, but..."

I can't find the words as my own tears mix with his. The pain in Sunoo's eyes mirrors the pain in my heart. Sunghoon, who once seemed so distant and moody, is now facing a fate that no one deserves.

"Why didn't you tell me?" My voice trembles with a mix of anger and sorrow.

Sunoo looks up, his red, teary eyes meeting mine. "He didn't want you to worry. He didn't want you to see him like this. We thought we could find a solution, but it's too late..."

Guilt and regret flood my senses. The laughter, the shared moments, the warmth I felt in Sunoo's embrace—all tainted by the harsh reality that Sunghoon, the one who blamed me, is battling a life-threatening illness.

"I should've known... I should've seen through your lies," I mumble, more to myself than to Sunoo.

Sunoo lifts his head, his teary gaze locking with mine. "Y/N, I'm so sorry. I never wanted to lie to you, but we didn't know how to tell you. Sunghoon didn't want you to pity him. I thought I could protect you from this pain."

Protect me? The realization hits me like a wave. Sunoo, despite his own pain, tried to shield me from the harsh truth. And I lashed out, accusing him of deception.

"How is he now" I manage to ask.

"Unconscious..." Sunoo says, his cries draining all emotion from him, "Barely alive..."

I slowly start to help Sunoo stand up and he stumbles back into my bed gripping his head.

"Sunoo!" I gasp

"It's okay... I'm fine... It's just stress" he's lying once again...

"I... I need to see him," I finally say, my heart aching for Sunghoon.

Sunoo freezes, "No Y/N... you can't..."

"TAKE ME TO HIM!!" I shout my voice breaking. "Please...

I wipe his tears, cupping his face and he looks at me pain and sorrow in his eyes. He finally nods.

"I'll take you to him. But please, be prepared. It's not easy to see him like this."

We leave my room, the air heavy with the weight of the truth. Sunoo leads me through the palace corridors, his steps filled with a solemn determination. As we approach Sunghoon's room, the gravity of the situation tightens its grip on my chest.

The door opens slowly, revealing a room bathed in dim light. Sunghoon lies on the bed, pale and frail, a stark contrast to the vibrant and confident person I once knew. His soft yet laboured breathing can be heard in the background, marking the rhythm of his fading life.

Sunoo's voice breaks the silence, "Jungwon, Y/N is here."

I didn't realise until now but Jungwon is sat on the chair at the corner, his face emotionless.

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