𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 33

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-Start of Chapter 33-

"I think we lost them. Right Sunghoon?"

"Yeah, I think so, My Lady."

We stop at a place in the forest. Sunghoon gets off the horse, and I do too.

"I think we should rest here for a while. I'm too tired to do anything right now." I suggest, my voice soft with fatigue as I lean against a nearby tree.

I sink down with a weary sigh and  Sunghoon come sits next to me. The ground is cold and damp beneath me but I welcome the sensation, grounding me in the present moment amidst the swirling chaos of my thoughts.

I glance over at Sunghoon, studying the lines of exhaustion etched into his features, the flicker of determination that burns bright in his eyes.

"How's your arm holding up?" I ask, my voice soft with concern as I examine the wound. "Does it still hurt bad?"

Sunghoon shrugs, his gaze drifting down to the injury. "It's manageable for now" he replies, though I can see the strain etched into his features.

"Everything will be fine. We'll reach House ENHYPEN and Jay will get you treated." I say, leaning my head on his shoulder.

Sunghoon offers me a weary smile, his fingers intertwining with mine, "Everything will be fine."

I lean into his touch, relishing the closeness between us as we sit together beneath the canopy of trees.

"You know," Sunghoon begins, his voice soft as he tilts his head to meet my gaze, "even in the midst of all this chaos, there's nowhere else I'd rather be than by My Lady's side."

A smile tugs at the corners of my lips, my heart swelling with affection for the man beside me. "Likewise," I murmur, reaching up to brush a stray lock of hair from his forehead. "I don't know what I'd do without you, Sunghoon."

His smile deepens, a tender expression that sets my pulse racing. "You'll never have to find out," he assures me, leaning in to press a gentle kiss to my forehead. "I'll always be here for you, no matter what."

I sigh contentedly, the weight of the world momentarily lifting from my shoulders as I lose myself in the warmth of his embrace. "I love you." I whisper, the words a soft declaration that hangs between us like a promise.

"I love you too, My Lady." Sunghoon murmurs in reply, his lips trailing a path of featherlight kisses along my jawline. Each touch ignites a spark within me, a fierce and undeniable passion that burns bright despite the darkness that surrounds us.

But as exhaustion weighs heavy upon my eyelids, I feel myself drifting into the embrace of sleep, the gentle rise and fall of Sunghoon's chest lulling me into a peaceful slumber.

As the soothing embrace of sleep begins to envelop me,


Sunghoon freezes and my eyes fly open. Panicked I look up. An arrow, embedded in the trunk of the tree, merely inches away from me.

"They know we're here." Sunghoon hisses, "We have no time to waste My Lady. We have to fight them and get out of here quickly."

I nod, my hand already gripping tightly around the dagger. Sunghoon's sharp gaze pierces the darkness, his senses heightened by the sudden threat. My heart races as I scramble to my feet, the adrenaline coursing through my veins as I prepare for the impending onslaught.

With a swift motion, an assassin launches themselves from the shadows, their blade gleaming in the moonlight as they close in on us with deadly intent. Reacting on instinct, I lunge forward, my dagger finding its mark as it slices through the air, the metallic tang of blood filling my senses as the assailant falls to the ground, a gurgling gasp escaping their lips.

But before we can catch our breath, more adversaries emerge from the darkness, their numbers overwhelming as they converge upon us with ruthless efficiency. Sunghoon fights with a skill born of desperation, his movements fluid and precise as he dispatches our foes with lethal accuracy.

Yet for every foe we fell, two more seem to take their place, the relentless tide of enemies threatening to engulf us in a sea of violence. I fight with all the ferocity I can muster, my blade a blur of motion as I parry blow after blow, each strike driving me further into the heart of battle.

Suddenly a punch to the stomach makes me go crashing down, my head hitting a tree. I groan and touch the back of my head. Its warm and wet. I look at my hand, covered with fresh blood.

I don't feel good... Not tired but... almost as if I'm fading away... My eyes slowly droop.

As the chaos of battle rages around us, I struggle to maintain my footing, the world spinning dizzily as I clutch my throbbing head. Sunghoon's cry cuts through the fog of my mind, pulling me back from the brink of unconsciousness as I force myself to focus on the task at hand.

With a grim determination, I plunge my dagger into the throat of my opponent, the spray of blood spattering across my face a gruesome testament to the violence of our struggle. Wiping it away with a shaking hand, I steel myself for the next onslaught, my senses dulled by the creeping weakness that threatens to consume me.

Each blow lands with devastating force, driving me to my knees as I cry out in pain. The world blurs around me, the cacophony of battle fading into a distant roar as I struggle to stay conscious amidst the relentless barrage of attacks.


I can't do this...

Stab after stab finds its mark, each strike driving me closer to the edge of oblivion. My limbs feel heavy and unresponsive, my movements sluggish and uncoordinated as I fight to stay upright against the overwhelming tide of adversaries.

But even as the darkness threatens to claim me, I refuse to surrender, drawing upon every ounce of strength within me to keep fighting. Sunghoon stands beside me, a beacon of unwavering resolve amidst the chaos, his presence a source of comfort and strength in the face of overwhelming odds.

As the last of our foes close in around us, Sunghoon and I stand back to back. With grim determination, we brace ourselves for the final confrontation, our weapons poised and ready to strike as we prepare to face the remaining eight assassins head-on.

It's life or death now...

-End of Chapter 33-

~author's note~

The next few chs r quite short. I made them short cuz they're hella descriptive.


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Stay tuned for Chapter 34

Okii baii !! Luv ya'll <3


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