𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 32

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-Start of Chapter 32-

"Yah, Park Sunghoon, hold me tight or I'll fall down!" I shout, my voice urgent as I struggle to maintain my balance on the galloping horse.

Sunghoon obeys without hesitation, his arms wrapping around me tightly as he adjusts his grip on the reins. I can feel the strength of his hold, keeping me securely in place as we navigate through the chaos of the night.

The air is filled with the thundering of hooves and the sharp twang of bowstrings as arrows whiz past us. Shadows dart in and out of the darkness, illuminated by the flickering light of torches, as the assassins draw closer with each passing moment.

But as his embrace tightens, I feel a flush creeping up my cheeks, a mixture of embarrassment. I try to steady my aim and return fire at the assassins, I can't help but feel a rush of flustered embarrassment at the closeness between us. My heart races in my chest, my hands trembling slightly as I struggle to maintain my focus. My aim falters slightly, the arrow slipping from my grasp as I try to regain my composure.

"S-Sunghoon," I stammer, my voice betraying my flustered state. "Not that tight."

"Why? Is My Lady embarrassed?" Sunghoon teases, his tone playful as he tightens his hold even further.

"Yah! It's not like that!" I protest, my cheeks burning with embarrassment.

But despite my protests, Sunghoon's grip remains firm, his touch sending a shiver down my spine. "Is it not?" he persists, his voice laced with amusement.

"This is not a game!" I retort, my voice tinged with frustration as I try to focus on the task at hand. "Are you planning to get yourself killed by like what, 20 assassins?!?!"

"Well, that depends on how good My Lady's aim is," Sunghoon playfully counters.

I roll my eyes, annoyance tinged with amusement. "I've never shot an arrow, especially not while galloping on a horse," I confess quickly, my embarrassment evident. "And definitely not with you holding me like that,

Suddenly, Sunghoon releases his grip, but I'm too absorbed in the battle to notice. For a split second, I teeter on the edge of the saddle, a gasp escaping my lips as I lose balance.

But just as quickly, Sunghoon's arm is back around me, pulling me close. "Was it easier without my hold?" he teases, a hint of mischief in his voice.

I'm left flustered, cheeks aflame as I cling to him, heart pounding with a mixture of embarrassment.

"We're out of arrows," I interject hastily, attempting to steer the conversation away from my embarrassment. "Can't you use your powers to teleport or something?"

Sunghoon shakes his head, his focus on evading the incoming arrows. "I can't," he replies, his voice strained with effort. "I don't know this place well enough, and the distance is too far. My powers aren't that strong."

I nod, realizing the limitations of our situation. "Then we'll have to find another way," I resolve, determination firm in my voice. I hiss in frustration "Ugh! How the fuck did they manage to follow me. I swear there was no on behind me when I came out. Aishh..."


The night air crackles with tension as we continue our desperate flight, the sound of hooves pounding against the earth mingling with the whistle of arrows slicing through the air.

Sunghoon's voice cuts through the chaos, his tone steady despite the danger that surrounds us. "We need to find cover," he says, his eyes scanning the darkness for any sign of shelter. "We won't last long out here in the open- ACK!"

His sudden cry of pain pierces the night, and my heart lurches in my chest as I turn to see him clutching his arm, an arrow protruding from his flesh. "Sunghoon!" I gasp, horror flooding through me as I reach out to him. His grip on me still remains persistent.

But despite the agony etched into his features, Sunghoon remains resolute, his focus unwavering. "I'm fine, My Lady," he insists through gritted teeth, his voice strained with pain. "We need to keep moving."

But I can see the agony etched into his features, the pain evident in the lines of his face. Tears blur my vision as I reach for the arrow, my hands trembling with fear and desperation. "I-I have to pull it out," I choke out, my voice barely above a whisper.

Sunghoon nods, his gaze fixed on the path ahead. "Do it." he urges, his voice firm despite the pain.

With trembling hands, I grasp the shaft of the arrow, my heart hammering in my chest as I prepare to pull. A sob catches in my throat as I brace myself, the sharp tip of the arrow glistening in the moonlight.

And then, with a swift motion, I yank the arrow free, a gasp escaping my lips as blood spurts from the wound. "Sunghoon!" I cry out, my hands shaking as I tear a strip of cloth from my dress.

"Let go of me..." I plead, tears streaming down my cheeks as I press the cloth against the wound. "You have to stop the bleeding."

Sunghoon finally releases me, his arm falling to his side as he grits his teeth against the pain. With determination in my eyes, I take control of the horse, urging it to gallop faster than before, my heart pounding with adrenaline. I take unexpected turns, somehow dodging all the arrows that come flying by although I've never ridden a horse before. 

I don't know if I can this or not...

As we race through the night, dodging arrows and weaving through the darkness, Sunghoon's voice breaks through the chaos once more. "Where are we going, My Lady?" he asks, his tone filled with urgency.

I glance over my shoulder, my expression serious. "If I remember correctly from the books I've read," I say, my voice determined, "there should be a huge forest close by."

Sunghoon's eyebrows knit together in confusion. "But why there?" he questions, his voice tinged with concern.

"Because," I reply, my tone solemn, "the forest is known to be haunted and shrouded in mystery. No one dares to venture there, not even assassins. If we can lose them in the depths of the forest, we might have a chance at survival."

Sunghoon's expression tightens with concern as he considers my plan. "Are you sure, My Lady?"

A chuckle-sigh escapes my lips, a mixture of uncertainty and determination swirling within me. "I don't know, My Prince." I admit, my voice tinged with both desperation and madness. "But it's the only option we have left."


I don't know, My Prince...

-End of Chapter 32-

~author's note~

Hellaur guys!! Peng hia!!

Imma warn u from now cuz the next few chs r gon be very descriptive. Like there aint gon be no speech. only like a few. 

Anyways, hopefully u liked this ch.

Make sure to VOTE and COMMENT


Stay tuned for Chapter 33!

Okii baii !! Luv ya'll <3


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