𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 39

132 7 4

~Omgaaa Heeseung is gonna be the death of me istg~

~pleaseeeee VOTE and COMMENT~

-Start of Chapter 39-

Just then, Jia comes running from behind Heeseung, her arms reaching out. Her eyes are teary, and she looks like she's about to cry, but a smile lights up her face as she cups my cheeks.

Heeseung steps closer, "Jia was worried sick about you. We all were."

"Jia, are you hurt anywhere?" I ask, my voice filled with concern.

Jia shakes her head, her expression softening slightly. "No My Lady, Sir Heeseung didn't let a single scratch get on me."

"Thanks Heeseung. I knew I could trust you." I smile at Heeseung.

Heeseung grins, trying to lighten the mood. "I mean it was kinda hard to ignore you when you were threatening me."

Jia's eyes then shift to the scratch on my face, her worry evident. "My Lady, oh how that cut ruined your beautiful face." her fingers gently tracing the scratch on my face.

Jay's eyes widen with realization as he watches the interaction. "It's the sword then." he exclaims.

Everyone's attention snaps to him, and he continues. "The poison must have been on the blade of the sword that cut you. That's why it's affecting your healing. This isn't just any poison, that's for sure."

"You sure?" Jake asks.

"Yeah seems like it. The only major injuries are the arrow wound and the scratch... Seems like it for now."

Sunghoon, whose head had hung low the entire time, his hands trembling quietly on mine, quickly looks up, "What if its the same poison that affected me?"

"It's a possibility but you can never be sure..."

"Where did they get these poison from?" I ask clutching my throbbing head.

Jay sighs shaking his head, "No idea... However these people are... they seem really dangerous."

Jake nods in agreement.

Suddenly, Heeseung speaks up. "While fighting those people... they seemed different. Too strong. Almost magical. They weren't stopping at all. It was like they were under spells."

His words hang in the air, heavy with implication.

"Magic?" Sunoo whispers, his eyes wide with fear.

"Dark magic." Heeseung confirms. "There's no other explanation for their strength and persistence. Someone... Someone is controlling them. Hypnotism?"

Jay gulps, "That many people getting hypnotised at the same time... Very hard. You have master it for over 100 years to get it that perfect. And the poisons they have access to... they seem too powerful..."

A sudden thought strikes me; my heart lurches. "H-Have you heard from TXT? My b-brothers?"

The room falls silent, and I hear Jake inhale sharply, realization dawning on his face.

"Answer me! H-Have you heard from them?" I ask again, more urgently this time.

Jake shakes his head, his expression grim. "Fuck... Those people, those assassins, they will turn that place upside down..."

Jia gasps, clasping her mouth, "Masters!..."

Panic sets in, and I start to hyperventilate, the room spinning around me. "M-My brothers! Please save them! Are they okay?! Please!! You can't let anything happen to them!"

Nonono... I can't let that-... those red eyes... - nonono. I can't let her get them!

Sunoo rushes to my side, his hands gently but firmly gripping my shoulders. "Y/N, please calm down! You're going to hurt yourself more!"

Sunghoon comes closer, his voice desperate. "My Lady, please calm down. Please."

I scream, tears streaming down my face. "T-THEY NEED US! PLEASE- PLEASE S-SAVE THEM!"

I shake Sunghoon's shoulders, my breathes coming in stained gasps..

"We know! We know!" Sunoo says, trying to pull me back. "We'll do everything we can! Just please calm down. Please Y/N."

"NONONO PLEASE NOW!! GET THEM HERE NOW!I-I CAN'T LET HER HAVE THEM." I sob, my chest heaving with the effort of my cries. "P-Please... I can't let her do anything to them... Please bring them back..."

Sunghoon's hands tremble as he cups my face, his eyes filled with anguish. "We'll bring back your brothers. Just please stop crying My Lady. You will hurt yourself please..."

"YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!" I yell, my voice raw with pain. "THEY-THEY ARE ALL I HAVE LEFT!"

My mind races, thoughts crashing into each other like waves in a storm. What if they're already dead? What if we can't save them? What if I'm too late?

Jungwon steps forward, his voice calm and steady. "You hate them. They've treated you badly all your life. Why go save them now?"

His words cut through the chaos in my mind, and I shout back, "THEY'RE STILL MY BROTHERS!" The tears flow more freely, my chest heaving with sobs.

No matter what they've done, they're still my family. The only one I have left... But what if they don't even want me to save them? What if they hate me? What if they think that I did this to them? What if—

Sunghoon pulls me into his arms, his voice a desperate whisper. "Please, My Lady, please calm down. We'll save them. We'll save them..."

Everything blurs around me as I cry more and more, the pain from my wounds shooting through my body. 

I hear Jay's muffled voice asking someone to bring his medicine kit and get the syringe out.

The room is a whirl of motion and sound, my thoughts a cacophony of fear and despair. I'm spiralling, drowning in my own panic.

"NO, NO, NO! THEY'RE ALL I HAVE! PLEASE—" My screams are cut off by a sudden sharp pain in my arm.

My vision starts to fade, the edges of my world turning dark. I feel myself slipping away, my thoughts becoming distant and fragmented.

As everything starts to go black, I hear my own voice, faint and fading. 

"They are still my family... all that I have left..."

-End of Chapter 39-

~author's note~

Hellaur yalll Peng hiaa!

Hope u like the ch...

But also... where the hell r my readers?

Like after the 2 month break, everyone disappeared.

So if ur still reading it and havent ghosted me

please VOTE and COMMENT so that ik that u exist.

plsssssssss tell me that u exist. 

i dont wanna go back to the start where i had no readers except one friend of mine.


Stay tuned for Chapter 40

Okii baii !! Luv ya'll <3


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