𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 41

126 8 3

~Love the night sky? ~

-Start of Chapter 41-

Later that night, I suffer from a terrible fever. Every movement seems restraining. Even 4 blankets couldn't make me feel warm. The chills wrack my body, each shiver sending waves of pain through my wounds.

Jay gives me a few medicines, and they work for a bit, offering a brief respite from the agony. But soon after, the fatigue returns with a vengeance, dragging me back into the abyss of discomfort and weakness.

Sunghoon stays with me the entire night, never leaving my side. He holds my hand, his touch gentle yet firm, as if willing me to draw strength from him.

"You should rest." he murmurs, his voice soft and filled with concern.

I try to smile, but it feels weak and forced. "I can't rest when my brothers are in danger." I whisper, my voice barely audible over the sound of my laboured breathing.

Sunghoon's eyes soften, and he brushes a strand of hair from my sweaty forehead. "We'll save them, My Lady. I promise. But you need to get better. We can't do this without you."

His words are a comfort, but they also serve as a stark reminder of my current helplessness. I hate feeling this weak, this vulnerable. 

My thoughts swirl with worry and fear for my brothers, the unknown threats they might be facing, and the potential danger to Sunghoon and the others.

"Try to sleep." Sunghoon urges, his thumb gently stroking the back of my hand. "I'll be right here."


"For me, My Lady."

I nod weakly, closing my eyes and trying to will myself into oblivion. But sleep is elusive, and my mind refuses to quiet. 

Images of my brothers, the faces of the assassins, the searing pain of the poison – they all blend together in a nightmarish collage that keeps me on edge.

"Sunghoon." I whisper, my voice trembling. "What if... what if something happens to you? To all of you?"

He squeezes my hand reassuringly. "We'll be careful. We'll come back. All of us."

I cling to his words, trying to find solace in them, but the fear remains, gnawing at the edges of my sanity.

"I love you." I whisper, the words slipping out before I can stop them.

Sunghoon's eyes soften, his own emotions flickering across his face. "I love you too, My Lady. And that's why we have to do this. To protect what we have."

Tears stream down my face as I cling to him. "Just... please be careful. Promise me you'll come back."

"I promise," Sunghoon says, his voice a quiet vow. "We'll come back. We'll bring your brothers back. And we'll all be safe. Together."



"Yes My Lady?"

Gently tugging at his hand I say, "Come here. Your back must be all sore from sitting on the chair."

"I'm quite alright here, My Lady. No need to worry."

"Please, Sunghoon." I plead, my eyes locking with his. 

"Just for a little while. I need you close."

 He hesitates for a moment before giving in. "Alright," he says softly, moving to lie beside me. 

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