Chapter 1

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I walked inside my campus alone, cause my friends are busy. Yes my friends Gyoza and Irin. They both are cheerleaders and today unfortunately they have morning practice.

Oh i forgot to introduced myself. I'm Rebecca Patricia Armstrong, I'm 20 years old, and I'm a law student. I'm the only daughter of Robert Armstrong and sister of Riche Armstrong.

Richie is 8 years older than me. He already finished his studies and he's working on dad's company. He is very protective of me. Even though he annoys me too much. I don't have more memories with my mom. She died when I was 8 years old in a car accident.

Growing up was difficult without my mom. But dad and Richie took care of me and never made me feel less loved. My dad has several businesses and he also has a university named Armstrong's University and that's where me and my friends are studying.

I don't want any attention towards me. I'm an introvert and I have this nerdy look with my glasses on, so i always got bullied in my school. I met Irin when I was in 10th grade. She was such an angel. We bonded pretty well. And I met Gyoza in boxing class. And now we 3 are in the same University and BFFs.

Even though I was bullied in my school days, i became more bold in college and because of my friends no one dared to bully me and also because I'm the daughter of the university's chairman.

Because of gyoza I met p'Noey, p'Nam and p'Heng. They are Gyoza's sister's friends. And Irin and Noey are dating. So we all are in the same friends circle.

P'Noey is basketball team captain and p'Nam is the head cheerleader, while p'Heng is football team captain. And they all are in business department. Including Irin and Gyoza. I'm literally the odd one out in the group, I'm not popular like them and I'm not even in business. The only common ground is we all are rich and all of our parents are doing business.

Ok back to present, so I'm heading toward the class room. When I was walking in the hallways I saw Nop, aww my heart is beating fast. I've been crushing on nop for a year now. He never noticed me, not even once but I always have my eyes on him. I was literally drooling over him now.

"Quit it Nong he's an asshole" it was p'Tor. p'Nam's boyfriend.

"I know but I can't help it phi" I said. And he chuckled

"You should go to your class, it's getting late na" he said and messed up my hair.

"Phii" i whined

"Okay, okay don't sulk na go to your class before your Brother gets an info that you were late" he said and chuckled. Everyone knows how protective Riche is. I chuckled with him

"Ok ka, I'm going na" I said and he waved at me.

I went to my class, it was interesting as always. I loved law since childhood. And when I knew that my mother was a lawyer my interest grew more stronger. And I will work hard and become a good lawyer like my mom.

At lunch time, i went towards our usual table where my gang is. I sat beside Irin and Gyoza. They have already bought me food.

"Hey Nong, you are late today" p'Nam asked when she saw me

"I was so engrossed in a book, i forgot to check the time" i explained to her.

"You should stop reading those Bec, and come and watch us play" p'Noey said

"It's better to read than watching you play mueng" p'Nam said and we all Chuckled. They always banter like this. And we all laughed at their banter.

I heard Gyoza's phone ringing. She was talking to someone and I saw her face suddenly light up.

"Omg, let me call her first" she said and ended the call. We all looked at her for some explanations but she was calling someone else. And from her expression we could say that the someone didn't pick up her call.

"Nong, what happened" it was p'Heng

"Phi, she's here" Gyoza said I saw how p'Nam, p'Noey and p'Heng's face changed in to surprise.

"Wait are you serious" p'Noey asked and she nodded excitedly.

Both me and Irin showed a knowing look. Cause we were the only ones who didn't understand what was happening.

"Where is she" p'Heng asked

"She's here in our college" Gyoza said and called again.

"Wait let us try too" p'Nam said and they all were concentrating on their phones.

Who could that be?

Suddenly, Gyoza squealed "she's at chairman's office" she said happyly

"Let's go there" p'Nam announced and they all stood up.

"Come on bebe, Bec let's go" p'Noey said and held Irin's hand. And Gyoza held my hand.

They were running like they were running for their lives. I was having trouble breathing. But luckily we reached my dad's office. And we stopped.

"Bec, can you go in and check if there's someone else than your dad" p'Nam asked and i nodded. I went inside and i didn't even saw my dad.

I went out and told them that.

"Call your dad and ask him where he is" p'Noey said and i called my dad immediately.

"Hello princess" he said

"Hey dad, where are you" i asked

"Oh, I'm at the basketball court, why?! do you need something darling" he said

"No dad, just wanna ask you that" I said and he hummed

"Ok darling, I'll talk to you later na" he said and ended the call.

"He's at the basketball court" I said and they all nodded

"Let's go there" Gyoza said

"Ok kha but can we not rush like we did last time" i asked and chuckled.

"Ka" she said and we rushed to basketball court.

Whenwe reached there I saw my dad leaving.

"There she is" p'Nam said and we all looked at the direction she was pointing..

And I saw 3 women standing at the basketball court.

But even though they all are handsome. My eyes were looking at a certain Burnett girl. She's the hottest. Damn who wouldn't be lucky if they have a partner like her. She will definitely crush thousands of hearts if she is committed in a relationship.

Gyoza ran towards them. She jumped and hugged the hottie. Damn, why do I feel iriirtaed if I saw my friend hugging a hottie. I should be proud na.

"I missed you phi" she said and clung to her like a koala

Phii..... ???

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