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After 20 years.

Becky's Pov

"Mama let's go, we will be late for Mon's b'day, and mami is waiting for us" Sun said as she made her way towards the car, where Freen and Sam was waiting for us.

I got out and the kids got into the car and Freen opened the car door for me as usual.

She sat on the driver's seat, she checked all of us and looked at me.

"Let's go" she asked and i nodded. It's been 18 years since we got married, 18 years of her being completely mine and she still same person i love. Well usually there's a saying as we got old everything changes, but nothing changed between us. Expect the part where she became more handsome and beautiful.

I looked at our kids, Sam and Sun, they are twins. Sam is the older one, he is 2 minutes older than Sun. They both are the best thing we ever could ask for. Sam is a copy of Freen but he is mama's boy from the start, and Sun is a copy of me and she's her mami's daughter. They both are adorable.

We are heading to Noey's and Irin's place to celebrate their kids Birthday.  Yuki and Noey got married 6 months after me and Freen got married. They have 2 babies Gemini and Mon, they are lovely kids. Apparently Sam and Sun are friends Gem, Gemini was born 2 months after Sam and Sun was born. Mon is a bit naughty and Gemini is more matured. And Sam and Gem treat Mon as their little sister.

And as for my dear sister in law/bestie Gyoza, they have a beautiful girl and a  handsome boy, Earth and Fourth. Earth is an 18 year old, she is really a Smarty pants, Freen's favourite actually. They both get along very well. And as for Fourth he is 16 years old, he is really a naughty one.

"Hey we have arrived" Freen said diverting my attention towards her.

"The kids are already inside, so let's go" she asked and opened the door for me.

"Okay" I said and got out of the car.

"N'Bec" it was Friend. Finally she's here. Friend and Hannah got married before us. They mostly lived in US. And they settled here in Thailand after 3 years for good. But because of Hannah's parents health issues they had to go back to US 2 years ago and we haven't met each other's since.

"Aww, it's been so long since I saw you" Friend said and gave me a hug

"Well apparently, 2 years is long Friend " I said and she chuckled.

"Hey there buddy" Friend went to greet Freen.

"Where's Hannah by the way" i asked Friend

"She's inside with Kath, they both are baking something with Toey" she said.

Kath is their cute little girl, who is 15 years old I guess. She and Sun were good friends and they always had sleepever on weekends. After they left Sun always missed her.

And for Toey , she is Heng's and Kate's daughter. Who is 13 years old. Heng and Kate broke up on a period and they met for Fourth's birthday party and had a one night stand. That one night stand got Kate pregnent and they married each other. But they are happily in love.

"Where's your mama" I heard p'Nam's voice.

"She's there aunt Nam Nam" Sun said in her cute voice, hugging Nam. Nam is sun's favourite among my friends and I don't know why.

"Oh here she comes" p'Nam said. I walked towards her. p'Nam and p'Tor got married after Gyoza and Manaw got married. Apparently p'Nam was also pregnant but she didn't tell us till she was 6 months. They have 2 kids, Liam and Linett. Liam is a 18 years old. The care free and chill one. Just like p'Nam. And Linnet is 15 years old. She is also Friends with Sun, Mon and Kath.

"Hey let's go and cut the cake" I heard Noey's voice. When we went to the garden, I saw all the kids talking with each other while enjoying their company.

And Manaw and Freen checking the cakes, while friend, p'Tor and Noey Arranging the plates.

Hannah, irin, Gyoza were all seated, me and p'Nam made our way towards them.

After cutting the cake and having our lunch, we all sat in the garden while the kids were checking the gifts and having their quality time. I saw Sun and Earth having their little moment.

"Oh there, we have another ship" p'Nam said making others looking over Earth and Sun.

"Are they for real" Freen asked

"Well, apparently Earth have a crush on her" Gyoza said

"And Sun have a crush on her too" p'Nam said.

"So it's mutual huh" Manaw asked

"Are they dating" i asked and looked at Freen. I thought she would just freak out but no she smiled

"I don't mind even if they are, but Earth apparently promised me that she won't ask her out till she is 18 years old" Freen said

"You knew" Manaw asked

"Ofcourse duhh, she's my favourite neice for a reason " Freen said flexing a bit. Well apparently Earth likes Freen more than her own parents.

"I hope they don't break each other's heart" irin said

"I hope that too" I said.

"Not again, how does he does this" Mon exclaimed

"What happened sweety" irin asked Mon came towards us

"Nothing mama" she answered and sat down beside Freen. Freen is mostly everyone's favourite.

"What's bothering my Mon Mon" Freen asked in a sweet voice

"Well there's a person who's kept sending me drinks and gifts and texts me on Instagram and send me cute notes, I don't know who that person is. The only thing I know is that person's name which is Uno" she said in a single breath. Everyone looked at me and i looked at Freen. I only know one Uno and it's her.

"Well you can just ignore that Uno sweety" Noey said

"I know mama, but...." She paused

"But what Mon mon" i asked

"It's just, it's a sweet gesture and Uno is like my secret admirer which is kind of cute and i kind of like Uno too. He always makes sure that I'm ok and I'm taking care of myself and the small sweet gesture and sweet notes it's just melts my heart and I become happy quickly. But sometimes it annoys cause he won't come directly until I say ok to be his girlfriend" she said and blush crept over her face.

"Then what's the problem " Freen asked

"Well i don't know who Uno is, i can't fall for a stranger" she said. Mon us smart for her age and responsible too. Even though she's the naughty one.

"Who's Uno" asked Kath. Now everyone is listening

"Just a secret admirer of Mon" Lin said and smiled teasingly

"Ohhhhhhhh" that was a long teasing ohh came from Earth, Sun, Fourth and our friends. Well now I know they know too and we already know who might that be.

"Okay, so whomever that Uno is, I hope that Uno grows up some courage and comes to you and talks directly and not be like his parents and hides himself. Till then don't text him back" I said looking at Sam who just gulped.

Well daddy's boy inherited that trait from his daddy.

"I think it's a genetic thing Bec" p'Nam teased and i looked at Freen who just grinned.


Author's note

So,.it's the official end of My secret admirer.

I wasn't planning to write another chapter but here I am writing an epilogue.

I didn't wanna end this story with a wedding scean cause I wanted different ending. And I guess the ending I gave you was sweet enough.

And this Epilogue is for you guys, I hope you guys enjoy it.

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