Chapter 9

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"p'Friend" i mumbled

Oh my god, it's her, she's uno. Wow that was unexpected

But it all started when we first met. That makes sense too.

I texted her again to confirm my suspicion and  when I texted she looked at her phone. And started to type. And when I looked at my phone i got a notification on my phone.

Fuck she's my Uno.

Omg i finally met her.

She looked so different. Even though I didn't see her face I saw her figure even though it was blurry. Maybe she changed her appearance. Everyone changes right.

Irin came back to my side so  didn't i text her back. I saw p'Friend frowning while looking at her phone. Cute

I came back to reality when I heard Irin squealing.

I turned my head towards her but she was looking somewhere else. I looked at the direction she was looking and saw Gyoza and p'Manaw kissing each other.

Seriously they are really fast. It's not even a week, but they are kissing each other.

"Omg, look at that bec" Irin said and i gave her no reaction.

" Why aren't you surprised" she asked..

"It was obvious from the first meet, they were looking at each other's soul at the first meet. didn't you see" i asked

"Like you were looking at P'Freen" she said with a playful smirk. I should feel annoyed but i blushed

"Oh my god, you are literally blushing" she yelled again and i face palm myself

"It's nothing like that and have you seen Nop" i asked diverting her attention

"No, but I guess he will be at the bar section" she said and i looked at the bar section. Instead of Nop i found a grumpy P'Freen, she is drinking her whisky like drinking water.

Why is always grumpy. And then I saw p'Friend approaching her. I thought they would talk but P'Freen shoved her hands and walked away. She looks like a mad person.

I was gonna follow her but I was stopped by Nop.

"Hey Becky, you look beautiful" he said with his charming smile. If it was another situation i would've drool over him. But my mind was occupied with certain Burnett who stormed out.

"Not now Nop" I said as i pulled my hands back and followed P'Freen.

I saw her getting into the car, and she was clearly tipsy and I saw her consuming 4 glasses of whisky. I can't let her drive in this situation.

So soon as I saw her starting the engine i got in her car. I don't care if she's angry at me.

"What are you doing here Rebecca" she asked.

"I'm coming with you" I said determined

"Go and enjoy your little crush's party" she said in an annoyed way.

"Whatever, i won't let you drive after you drink" I said

"I'm not drunk, or tipsy. I can drive my car clearly" she said

"Then I'm coming with you" I said and she shook her head

"Such a stubborn kid" she mumbled which I heard clearly

"What did you say" I asked

"Nothing, it's you call Rebecca get out now" she said but I wasn't gonna let her alone.

"Fine whatever " she said and started to drive. She drove to a convenience shop.

"What are we doing here" i asked her

"To buy some beer" she said and went in.

"Buy whatever you want, I won't be sharing anything with you" she said coldly. Geez this ice queen

I bought some snacks and a couple of beers too. She bought some beers and ramen.

We went back to the car. She drove to a beach. The night view was beautiful. I was enjoying the view in the car. She drove towards a hidden spot. It was hidden cause i don't think I've seen this spot.

We got down and sat in the car. She was drinking her beer while eating ramen. The silence was heavy. In the car it was comfortable but now it's not. So i broke the silence.

"Why are you so grumpy" I asked but she only shrugged

"Why aren't you talking to me, it feels odd" i said sincerely

"If you notice, I don't talk to anyone" she said

"Well you talked to me" I said and she rolled her eyes. This women.

"Come on P'Freen" i gave her a pouty look. Which i guess she won't refuse.

"Fine fine, I'll talk" she said stating her defeat.

"Now tell me why are you so grumpy" i asked and she looked at my eyes. Gosh she's looking straight towards my soul.

"Can we talk about something else" she asked which I didn't protest.

"So Nop's your crush" she asked and i nodded shyly

"Do you love him" she asked. I have never thought about it actually. He was always in my mind. I thought I loved him until I met P'Freen. I know I'm being unreasonable. But it's the truth, she has been disturbing my mind a lot lately.

"You should've stayed back you know" she said and i looked at her puzzled

"He was making his move but you walked away, you should have stayed there" she said how did she even know

" How did you know" I asked

"What"she asked

"That he's gonna make a move on me" I asked

"I heard him back at the bar" she said and drank the beer

"You must be happy now huh" she asked. But I'm not sure if I am or not.

"Yeah" I said and smiled

"Anyone would be lucky to have you Becca, I hope Nop treats you the way you deserve " she said and chug all the beers. Did she just called me Becca. It's the first time I heard someone calling me Becca. But hearing from her makes it much more special

"May I ask you something " i asked and she nodded

"Why are you avoiding me, you aren't even looking at me for days. And you aren't speaking to me too" i asked

"Well i did now right" she asked

"Yeah" I siad

"Then what's the problem " she asked

"Cause i don't want you to ignore me" I said and pouted. I don't even know what I am saying it's like my mouth has no control.

"Cute" she mumbled which I heard clearly. I blushed.

She grabbed my waist and pulled us closer. We were so close to each other.

"P'Freen" i said when I felt her breath on my lips. I looked at her eyes and lips. I licked my lips.

She was leaning closer, and i closed my eyes. I thought she would kiss me. But I felt her breath on my ears instead.

"Don't show too much off your skin and don't trust anyone too easily" she said and hugged me.

My heart was beating crazily. Omg I think it's gonna explode.

She broke the hug. I looked at her and she smiled.

"Let's go back" she said and i nodded.

Omg Becky what were you thinking, you would have literally let her kiss you idiot

Nop should be your first kiss. You have been fantasising about it for over an year now

Get an hold on yourself Bec.

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