Chapter 20

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The news was surprising for all of us.

'Freen Sarocha Chankimha and Nita Amenda Jenson are getting engaged '

That's all we saw, it's an official business gossip website, which only few have access to. And luckily we all have access to that website.

"No, not happening, not Nita" Gyoza said and called someone.

"Did she pick up" p'Nam asked and Gyoza put the phone on speaker.

"Hello" I heard P'Freen's voice. After so many days. She sounds more cold.



Everyone was saying her name, except me.

"Its true  and I have a meeting to attend" she said and ended the call. Like that's all, wahh. Sometimes I wish to pull her hair when I listen to her replies.

"Is she serious" p'Nam  yelled.

"Babe calm down" p'Tor said

"Cam down my ass, when is she coming back" p'Nam asked

"The day after tomorrow" p'Heng said.

"I'm gonna kick her ass the moment she arrives here" she said.

"Oh I'm going home, I need to talk to dad" Gyoza said.

"Wait, I know Freen don't do something without thinking. Let's not rush things now. Let's hear what she has to say when she comes back." p'Manaw said which made sense. P'Freen don't do things without any reason.

Which gives me another realisation, P'Freen won't punch Nop if he didn't do anything wrong.

Fuck. My head is hurting.

But still she can't say something like that when everyone was watching. Especially when I told her not to tell anyone that Nop sometimes fight with me because I'm not ready have sex with him.

I know what she said is true, like i should have stand up for myself. But i didn't want my friends to know about this matter like this.

"Let's go to bed,  I'm in no mood watch a movie" p'Nam said and we all nodded. Actually everyone was pissed at P'Freen.

"You guys can take whatever room you want" I said

"Okay then" they said and i left first to sleep.

I texted Uno, but she didn't text me back. I think she's busy.

The next morning we all woke up late, and they all had practice. So we all rushed to uni. Luckily they reached right in time.

Irin wasn't practicing today so she was with me keeping company.

"So, Uno huh???" She asked and i smiled.

"I don't know irin" i said without thinking

"What do you mean" she asked

"I meant whatever you meant" I said nonchalantly

"Oh come on, I know you like her. Admit it Bec" she said and i blushed

"Fine i do have, but I'm already in a relationship irin" I said and looked at my phone. I haven't received a text from her from yesterday.

"Come on, Becky. Nop is no good for you. And you know that too" she said

"I don't know gummy bear, i really don't know" I said and sighed.

"Excuse me, do you know where the washroom " I heard someone asking and when I looked up I saw her. Nita Amenda Jenson. My archenemy. My one and only number 1 bully.

"Oh, look who is it Armstrong. Long time no see" she said and i scoffed

"Let's go Bec " irin said and tried to gurad me

"Oh, come on Armstrong still afraid of me" she asked. I looked at her in the eyes.

"For what" i asked

"Wow, little Armstrong is brave now" she said in a sarcastic way

"Nita" I heard another voice. The voice I haven't heard for a week.


"Oh hey babe, I was just asking her where the washroom " Nita asked and snakes her arms into P'Freen's.

"I'll take you there" she said and lead her towards the washroom.

Wait, what the fuck.

What happened to P'Freen, why is she being like this.


I looked at irin who was as speechless as I was.

"Is that our P'Freen" she asked i nodded

"Oh my god, I'm texting the others" she said and took her phone and texted in the group chat that P'Freen is in the Uni.

We went to cafeteria to buy food for the others. Soon after we bought the food, we saw the others rushing towards us.

"Where's she" p'Nam asked

"Why is she here" p'Noey asked

"Was she alone" Gyoza aksed

"Woohh, hold your horses ladies" irin said

"We saw her earlier but we don't know where she is right -" irin didn't have to complete her words cause P'Freen came with Nita to the cafeteria.

"Name of the devil and the devil is here" p'Noey said

p'Noey, p'Manaw and p'Nam went towards P'Freen.

"What " P'Freen asked as soon she saw them.

"You will stay here" p'Nam said to Nita and she just scoffed

"And you, come with us" with that p'Nam dragged P'Freen to our table.

"Stop this" P'Freen yelled but they didn't budge.

"What the fuck p'Freen are you out of your mind" Gyoza yelled

"Seriously, her, Nita. That's what you want" p'Nam asked and scoffed

"Nong, watch you language " P'Freen warned

"I won't, and I don't care seriously P'Freen. Why her" Gyoza asked.

Gyoza and p'Nam were literally blowing P'Freen's ear. And the others are just sitting around and watching them.

It's a rare sight to see.

"Are you done" P'Freen asked when they stopped

"Seriously Freen that's all you got to say" p'Nam asked

"If you guys are done I'll talk" P'Freen said and they just stood there in silence

"Fine, it's what dad wants. And that's all I could say now. I have to go I'm getting late for a meeting " just when she finished Nita came towards us

"Babe, we are getting late, let's go" she said. And like the last time P'Freen stood up and went with her. After they both left.

"Babe we are getting late" p'Noey mocked Nita's voice and we chuckled.

"Such a leech" p'Nam said.

"I'm going home to talk to dad" Gyoza said

"And we are also coming, let's skip today's class" p'Nam said.

"Ok, so I'm gonna head to class then" I siad and stood up.

And luckily no one opposed me.

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