Chapter 19

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"Babe, let's go on a date tonight and we can spend a movie night too" Nop said looking at me.

After lunch when I went back to class. But to my surprise Nop was there in my seat waiting for me. He talked like nothing happened. Like he didn't have a fight with P'Freen or the fact that we haven't talked for almost a week.

And now he's planning a date night.

"Babe say something" he said and poked my cheeks. It's a habit of his which annoys the shit out of me.

"I don't know Nop, i have lots of works to finish" I said, it's true. I do have lots of works to finish as I've been absent for a week.

"Babe come on, pleasee. It's been long since we have spend some time" he said and came near me. No one was in the class. And won't be for an hour cause it's Friday and everyone has gone to court to watch the trials. And i couldn't go cause I haven't submitted my essay yet.

"I know Nop, but-" i couldn't say more cause she shushed me by kissing. But my mind was echoing what irin said. You don't love him Bec, you just love the idea of being his girlfriend .
Is that why I don't enjoy kissing him, or don't want to make love with him.

My thoughts broke when I felt his hands on my breast. I broke the kiss and pushed him. He looked at me annoyed

"Don't" I said firmly

"Why, you are my girlfriend right. I have the right to do everything. Why do you always ruin my mood" he asked annoyingly.

"Why do you always want to do this, why can't we just take things slow" I yelled back.

"You know what, I'm going and the date plan not happening. Do whatever fuck you want to do" he said and left.

The usual drama. I wasn't affected by his words like i usually does. When I locked myself in my home i thought a lot about these. About me and Nop.

For him, it's always about being physical and touching and kissing. He didn't even rememberd our one month anniversary.

He haven't even tried to getting knowing my friends name. I sighed and took my belongings and went to Library to do my works.

"Finally, we found you" I heard Gyoza's voice and i looked up. I saw Gyoza and irin looking at me.

"Bec, we know you are busy finishing your works and you are the daughter of the uni, but we have to go home too everyone has left. We have been calling you for half and hour and you are here writing your works like nothing is happening around here" irin said in one breath.

"Wooh, take a breath gummy bear" I said and gave her my water bottle which she accepted and drank.

"So what's happening now" i asked

"Nothing is happening, we planned a sleepover at your home today Bec, and we all are ready for that and here you are" Gyoza said sarcastically.

Shit i forgot the sleepover.

"Sorry guys i forgot, thank god I didn't say yes to date night with Nop" i sighed after saying that.

"We would all have been there third wheeling you both if you went to date tonight " irin said and smirked

"Okay let's go home now" i asked and they nodded.

When we reached home, I saw p'Nam, p'Noey, Friend, p'Manaw,p'Heng and p'Tor there.

We greeted each other, Riche and dad bided their good-byes and left cause they have flight to catch.

After Richie and dad left, we ate dinner and changed into comfy clothes.

"Bec, which movie should we watch" irin asked

"I'm ok with anything" I said and continued to looking at my phone. I was scrolling through my Instagram that time.

"Hey princess" a text from Uno. I smiled and texted her back quickly

"Hey there stranger" I texted back

"Ouch, I'm a stranger for you"

"I thought I was special" she texted and i chuckled

"Ok, Don't whine stranger" i teased again

"Tss, you are bad baby"

"So , did you had dinner" she asked

"Yup, and you" i texted

"Not yet, but I will soon"

"Has riche and dad left" she asked

"Yeah, they left 40 mintues ago" i texted her back

"Should I come there and keep you company" she asked

"No need,i already have company" i texted back

"You are a fun killer, I'm not talking to you again" she said acting like sulking

"Are you sulking miss Stranger" 2 minites passed and still no reply



"Come on babe, don't sulk anymore" i texted back.

"I'm your baby now" i got a reply instantly. That's when I noticed i called her baby without me realising. And I can't deny or delete that now.

"Fine, so what. Do you have a problem with that" i asked

"Fiesty, i like it"  she texted back.

"Take care princess, i have to go now. I'll text you later okay" she texted


"Take care Uno" with that I closed my phone

"Someone's all smily smily here" p'Nam teased. I didn't even know she was beside me all the time.

"Oh i know who that might be" irin teased.

"You guys have a bad timing, you know" I said and looked around luckily p'Manaw, Gyoza p'Heng, p'Tor weren't concentrating on me. But others are  looking at me.

"Okay don't look at me like that now" i said and they all started to tease again.

"Okay, tell me the name of the person Bec, you have to say that atleast " p'Nam insisted.

"Her name is Uno" I said

"Wait, Uno from the day dreamers" irin asked and i nodded.

p'Nam and p'Noey shared a glance which i noticed.

I was gonna ask them but was interrupted by p'Heng's yelling.

We all went towards p'Heng.

"Mueng, what happened and why are you yelling" p'Noey asked.

"Check the news come here" he siad and we all stood behind him.




"Nita and Freen"



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