Chapter 15

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I didn't go to p'Nam's home, instead I went to Nop's condo.

I' didn't stay at his place, I just want to make sure he's ok. I asked Riche to pick me up and he did.

The next day, my gang was waiting at the entrance. I was surprised but I might know the reason too.

I got out of the car and bid my goodbye to Riche. After he left i was surrounded by my gang.

"What now" i asked them cause they didn't stop calling me yesterday and I had to turn my phone off.

"You can't just shut us off Armstrong" p'Nam said as she fold her hands together.

"I know ,I'm sorry i have to go I'm getting late for my class" I said and tried to move but they didn't let me.

"You don't" Irin said

"We know your entire shedule" Gyoza said

"We heard Freen's side of story but we also know that you won't get angry like that so let's just talk and you tell us your pov" p'Heng said. Yeah always on Freen's side.

"Fine" I said and told them my side of the story. I didn't say Nop and my little fight. I just told them I was sulking at him.

"Okay, so it's a big misunderstanding she thought he was harming you" p'Nam said and i looked at her. Ok I think she might have seen how Nop dragged me.

"He wasn't, and she can't hurt my boyfriend like that" I said firmly.

"Okay come with us" they said and dragged me with them towards the music room. When the door opened I saw p'Freen, kade Friend and p'Manaw there.

"Freen" p'Nam called her and she turned. Our eyes met. I can see sadness in her eyes. I looked away.

"Phi" I heard Gyoza's voice. It was like commanding. p'Freen sighed

"I'm sorry ok" I heard p'Freen's voice.

"Huh" I was confused when i heard p'Freen's voice saying sorry to me.

"You guys talk, we will wait there for you both and come back resolving the issue" with that they left the room.

After they left, we both stood there in silence.

"Look, I'm sorry. I thought he was harming you and my instinct was to protect you. I know i shouldn't have hurted that ass- ....... Umm boyfriend of yours. I'm sorry I won't do something like that again" she said and held my hands. She smiled which made me smile involuntarily.

"Ok fine" I said whithout looking at her.

"Look at me Becca" she called me Becca again. And i looked at her.

"I know i was being an asshole yesterday, I'm really sorry I don't want us to be apart We both have same friends and i don't want them to worry about us" she said. Oh so she's asking forgiveness for them not because she wants to make amends with me. I was slightly hurt.

"Don't think too much, forgive me for now. You are my little one's bestfriend and I'm her phi and I can't see her hurt. Hope you are understanding my point. And my apology was genuine" she said and I can see that she meant every word she said

"I'm also sorry for snapping at you. Friends?" I asked and smiled

"Let's see" she said and smirked

"Buy me milk tea phii" i said and she chuckled

"Fine let's go, I'll buy you a milktea and drop you off to your class" she said and i nodded.

As we went out we didn't see our friends, so we went to the canteen and got milktea for me. I sipped my milktea and smiled happily

"Thank you phi " I said and she chuckled

"You are such a baby" She mumbled which I heard clearly

"I'm not a baby phii" i whined.

"Oh you are" she teased. I've never saw this side of her. But she's fun and looks good while smiling

"Noooo" i whined and pouted

"Fine you are not my Bec Bec " she said and i blushed. Oh my god, she's giving me these effects again.

"Let's go, we don't want you to be late for your class na" she asked and i nodded. I held her hand and we both walked towards my class. My professer hasn't arrived yet. So I still had time to enter the class.

"Thank you phi" I said and she smiled

"Anything for my nong" she said and i felt sad. I'm just a nong.

"Don't pout, I might kiss you" she said and which made me blush

"Phiiii" i whined

"Fine, I was joking. Still you are not allowed to pout infront of people. You look too cute" she said which caught me off guard. Like what is she doing.

"I have to Go Becca, meet you at lunch" she said and i nodded

"Bye phi" I said

"Bye nong" she said and left.

I entered my class and took my usual spot. I couldn't see Nop today . I took my phone to text him but I saw another text From Uno.

I forgot to text her back yesterday

"You already got your milktea from others huh princess" I read the message and chuckled

"I'm not your princess Uno" I said

"Oh you are and I know you like it" she texted back. And i smiled

"You look cute while smiling" she texted and i looked around

"Trying to find me" another text

"Enjoy your class, your professor will arrive in 5 sec" and like she said professor came

"Bye text me when you are free" with that she went offline.

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