Chapter 21

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After classes I checked my phone and saw messages on our group chat.

So basically they are planning to go to the club today and i should be there too.

The plan is not bad, cause I need a break from the works too. I'm almost done and I'm sure I'll finish it tomorrow. So why not go to the club and enjoy it sometime.

"I'm in, but one of you should pick me up from home" i texted

"Wow, is that really our Becky"

"Am i dreaming"

"Becky said yes to clubbing"  they texted

"Should I change my mind??" I asked



"Don't be a party killer" they texted back

"I'll pick you up Bec, be ready at 8 " it was p'Noey

"Great " i texted back and went home.

After 7 30, I got ready. While waiting for p'Noey I checked my phone and my face lit up when I saw Uno's text.

"Is this the way of taking revenge on me for ghosting you" i texted

"Oh, no no Becca. I was just busy with my works and things."

"I missed you baby" she texted again

"And i missed you too" i texted back.

We talked for some minutes and I heard p'Noey's car honk. So i said bye to Uno and went out.

The ride was 20 mintues long. But with irin and p'Noey it was actually fun. We had a small music blast in the car.

Upon reaching the club, i was surprised seeing Gyoza singing a song on the stage.

And she was super good, like i really enjoyed it. And she sounds similar to the vocalist who was in the band day dreamers which happened to be Uno's.

After she finished her song, she came towards our table.

"That was a blast nong" p'Heng said and went to the dance floor with p'Nam, p'Tor and p'Noey dragged Irin to the dance floor. Now it's just Friend, me , p'Manaw and gyoza

"It's good to sing again, it's been so long since I've sang in a large crowd" she commented.

"You have a gorgeous voice" p'Manaw said and she blushed

"Get a room guys" i commented and they both blushed.  And Friend and i laughed.

I checked my phone as a habit.

"Oh by the way you haven't said the name of your Admirer Bec" Gyoza asked

"Uno" I said and she nodded

"Huh Uno?? " she asked and i nodded

"Yeah, Uno from the band day dreamers'" I said and she choked on her alcohol

"What the fuck" she half yelled

"What" i asked.

"Did you talk to P'Freen" she asked suddenly which made me frown. Why is she asking that.

"Why should I" I said and scoffed. I took a shot and sat down.

"-you have to be kidding me" I heard her mumbling. I was gonna ask her but she looked more surprised than before.

I looked where she was looking and saw none other than Nop, making out with other girl.


"Bec-" she didn't say anything further or I just didn't hear. I took my phone and called him. And he picked it up too.

"Hello babe, did something happened, do you want me to come over" he asked as soon as he picked up the call.

"No, can you just turn to the left" I said and he looked around. Until he saw me.

"Fuck" he muttered

"No, what the fuck Nop" i yelled.

"Babe, I can explain" he said and stood up.

"Let's break up" I said and ended the call.

I sighed and took another shot. I looked at around the table, which is filled by my gang. Everyone is beside me.

"You okay bec" irin asked. I just smiled and nodded.

"I should head back home" I said and stood up. But becoz of the alcohol I felt dizzy. And someone grabbed my hand.

"Bec, you okay" it was Nop. I yanked my arms.

"Fuck off" I said

"Let me explain, please" he said

"Don't explain, I don't wanna hear anything. Just shut the fuck up" I said.

"Don't yell at me" he shouted and his grip on my hands tightened.

"Touch her again, and you will be playing basketball with one hand" it was P'Freen.

She was looking hot. Wait Becky you are angry at her.

"You ok" she asked and checked my hands.

"Don't touch me" I yelled again. I saw a bottle of vodka near. I took it and started to drink.

"Becky, slow down"

"Stop it Bec"


Everyone was calling me and then suddenly someone grabbed my bottle and it was none other than P'Freen. And Nop was nowhere to be found.

"You are coming with me" she said and came towards me.

"No" I said

"I didn't ask your permission" she said and carried me like a sack on her shoulder.

"I'll take care of her , don't worry you guys sober up and meet me at her home" she said to the others and started to walk.

I was punching and slapping her back. But no, she carried me straight to her car and placed me gently.

"Stop being stubborn or I'll kiss you right here" she said and I know she won't say anything for fun. So I just stayed quiet.

The car drive seemed too long, and my eyes were feeling heavy.

I gently closed my eyes and slept.

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