Chapter 29

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Becky's pov

I was taken back when I saw Nop standing beside me.

What the fuck is he doing here.

"Hey baby" he said and smiled.

"Don't call me that ever again" I said and glared at him.

"Fiesty that's why I like you" he said

"Ewww don't even say that word" I said. I felt like puking when he said those.

"Oh, but that's the truth and you are mine" he said his gaze changed into dark.

"Back off asshole" it was P'Freen. I felt relieved and panicked at the same time. Relieved that I'm not alone and panicked cause there's a possible chance of fighting.

"Why do you have to appear everywhere, don't tell me you are falling for her" Nop said and he laughed

"So what" P'Freen asked which made my heart skip a beat. Nop scoffed

"Stay away Nop, it's my final warning" she continued.

"Or what" Nop asked. I don't know why Nop seems braver right now.

"Hey get out, you are not allowed here" it was Friend.

"You aren't the owner bitch" Nop said

"But I am, and I'm banning you from entering my place" I think it's Friend's Aunt.

"Security" she called and some bulky man came. Nop gulped.

"It's not over Chankimha" he yelled while going out.

"Asshole" I heard P'Freen muttering. I looked at her and she smiled.

"Iets get you guys some drink" it was Friend's Aunt. I smiled at her.

"Oh, you must be Becky" she asked and i nodded. "Finally, Friend had said a lot about you" Aunt said and i looked at Friend

"Good things I guess" I said and she nodded. We all gathered on a table and had few drinks.

I looked at P'Freen who was helping aunt in serving, with Friend and p'Manaw. Our eyes met and she winked.

Omg, i blushed and looked away.

She's making me feel so many things.

Damn Sarocha. . . .

I got a notification on my phone, i checked it was a text from Richie asking me where I am. I replied him and was about to close my phone when I rememberd her.


I haven't talked to her, she didn't do anything wrong. The fault is on me. I am the one who fell in love with 2 people. And I don't know how to feel about that.

I feel like I'm a bad person. Maybe I should reply to her. She doesn't deserve what I'm doing.

So i opened her text and there were so many texts.

"Hey" i texed her and at the same time I heard a message tone beside my table.

And there were 3 phones in the table. And I don't know whose that are.

"You there" i texted Uno again. And the same time it rang again.

"Uno" i texted and it rang again.

"I'm sorry for ignoring you"

"Can we talk please"

"I need to tell you something" and everytime I send a text it rang again and again.

And i remembered the conversation I had with Hannah.

"She's right beside you always" Hannah said

"What do you mean" i asked her.

"One day, You will know what i mean" she said and tapped my shoulder. 

What if Uno is someone from my gang. I mean there's a possible chance. She always knew what I was feeling and she was always with me when I needed someone.

And she knew I was hospitalized, without me saying.


I looked around to check everyone.

"Bec, is everything okay" Irin asked. I was so into my thoughts that i stoop up abruptly. My head felt dizzy and it was paining. It was like I'm remembering somthings but I can't properly.

And the next thing i know, Everything went dark.

Freen's pov

That Nop always ruin my moments. I'm glad that she's safe right now. And I'm glad she's right infront of me.

I wanted to talk to her but i already promised Aunt that I will help her today. So i focused on that  for now.

She was having fun with our gang, it so good to see her smile. Even though she was drinking a bit. I don't want her to drink like the last time.

"Becky" I heard Irin's voice. I turned around to see her. And I saw her falling down. Why does she always fall down. I quickly ran towards her.

"Bec, Becca, wake up" i yelled while tapping her face.

"Let me check on her, please move" someone said and sat beside me.

"Don't worry I'm a doctor, I will give you my I'd if you want after I check her up" she said and i let her check Becca.

"She's okay, somthing like this happened before??" She asked wnd turned towards me.

"Yeah, a week ago" I said and she nodded.

"I think she's just stressed, she'll be alright after getting rest" the doctor said and smiled.

"Thank you doc" I said and she nodded.

I laid her down in the couch and sat near her and our gang too. After like 30 mintues she woke up.

"Becky, drink this" Nam said and handed her a bottle of water. She took it and drink it.

"Are you alright Becca" i asked her. She looked at me. Her gaze was different. It's like she was soo angry.

"Is somthing wrong" i asked her again. But without even answering she stood up. And went towards the table she was sitting.

"It's your phone right" she asked and i nodded. She scoffed.

"Did you have fun making a fool of me" she yelled

"Bec-" she cut me off

"Don't" she said

"Becky what happened??" Gyoza asked

"You guys knew right" she asked and scoffed. "Ofcourse you guys know, I'm the fool here" she said

"Bec what are you saying" Nam said

"Please stop acting, did you all have fun seeing me like this" she said and took her purse

"I didn't expect this from your irin, i thought you were my best friend" she said

"Bec" irin called and she scoffed

"It was nice meeting you Uno" she said.

She found out.



Author's note

I don't know if it's good or bad. Or if it's enough. But this is all i could do now.

Good night guys,

Take care ❤️

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