Chapter 46

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Becky's pov

When i reached my class, I was a little late. But the professor excused me this time, cause she wasn't finished talking the name roll call.

During the lecture, she ran away outside. After some minutes another professor came and informed us that the professor is sick and morning classes will be cancelled.

I want to go to Freen but I'm still embarrassed. After sitting alone and reading books. I saw irin, Gyoza and Hannah? Wait why is she here.

"Hey, how did you get in" i asked Hannah

"What do you mean, I'm your classmate Bec" she said and showed her seat.

"No way" I said. I'm not believing that she became my classmate suddenly

"That's why you shouldn't come late to class Becky" she said.

"I transferred here, P'Freen talked to your dad and I'm starting today" hearing P'Freen's name reminded me of what happened in the morning. So i blushed.

"Ooi, why are you blushing" Irin asked and they all were smirking at me.

"Don't tell me you are undressing P'Freen, after hearing her name" Hannah said

"Eew don't, that's my sister" Gyoza said

"And that's her wife" Irin said and i blushed

"Why does Becky look like a tomato" p'Nam asked

"We were just talking about her wife that's all" Hannah said

"Speaking of wife, she's coming " p'Heng said. I looked around and saw her coming with p'Noey, p'Friend and p'Manaw.

"They look like 4 musketeers " p'Nam said. I was panicking. Without even saying anything I ran away from them.

I ran towards the roof and layed there. After closing my eyes, i took a power nap. I don't know how I'm gonna face her when I go back home.

Freen's pov

Realisation hits me when I thought about today's incident. She might be embarrassed. Oh god, i should have thought about that.

"Why did you pause in the middle, come on tell us" Nam asked

"There's nothing to tell, I'm gonna find her" I said and started to walk. I don't know where she is. But I might have an idea where she might be. I went towards the rooftop.

I'm not sure, but it's better to check than doing nothing.

As I opened the door I saw her laying down on a table. I went towards her and without waking her up, i laid beside her and she snuggled closer to me.

I also took a nap beside her.

Becky's pov

I woke up, but didn't wanna open my eyes. I felt someone beside me. I panicked but when I opened my eyes. Relief washer over me.

It was P'Freen. Sleeping soundly. She so cute.

I studied her facial features, and traced her jaw line. But she stirred up when I touched her face. So i closed my eyes and acted like sleeping.

"I know you are not sleeping" she whispered in my ear and pecked my lips.

I felt embarassed again. What the fuck is happening to me today.

"Wakey wakey, open your eyes love" she said in a cute voice. God her voice and the way she called me love. I smiled while opening my eyes.

"Done hiding from me" she asked and i looked away remembering the incident.

"I didn't saw anything Becca, stop being shy" she said

"Don't lie, I know you saw everything" I said and pouted

"So what" she asked and i looked at her "it's all for me, you are mine, and everything about you is mine too. So stop being embarassed or shy about it" she said and pulled me in for a kiss.

"If you want I can strip myself now, if that makes you less embarrassed" she said got up and undone a button.

"P'Freen stop" I said. I was blushing hard. I remember seeing her in only sports bra.  I saw her abs and I was drooling over them. I looked down to hide my blush.

"What, you don't want to see it" she asked making me look up.

"I don't want anyone else to see it, it's an open space I don't want anyone else to see what's mine" I said and glared at her.

"Fair enough, stop being shy, you looked so beautiful " she said and kissed me. After sometime she stopped.

"Let's go down, it's nearly lunch time and others are waiting for us" she said and interwined our hands. We went to the canteen cause the others were there.

"Here comes the couple of the week" p'Nam said while we were sitting down

"We are not yet a couple p'Nam" i said and Freen looked at me surprisingly

"What do you mean we are not" P'Freen asked

"You are still courting me remember, and you haven't asked me to be your girlfriend" I said

"Wait, she started courting you today right" p'Noey asked and i nodded

"And you want her to ask you to be her girlfriend today" she asked again.

"Well, I just told her to court me i didn't say she should court me for a month or something. She can ask me to be her girlfriend anytime " I said and i felt my phone vibrate.

I got a message from P'Freen, i looked at her she signalled me to check the text. I opened and saw 'will you go on a date❤️'. I looked at P'Freen again nodded my head.

"Yes" she mumbled and kissed my cheek.

"You know if you guys aren't my friends i would have thrown you guys out from here" p'Nam said and we just rolled our eyes on her.

"Dont be jealous, I know p'Tor will be back in 2 days" P'Freen said

"No, it's after 4 day" she said and sighed

"At least you still have a lover, unlike someone here" p'Noey said mentioned p'Heng. We all looked at him.

"Who said i don't" p'Heng said and smirked. I looked at P'Freen and she gave a knowing smile.

"You know right, who is she" i asked P'Freen.

"I know, but I'm not sure if they are dating or not" she said.

"You knew" p'Heng asked

"What do you think Heng, I saw you seeking glances at her" she said and smirked.

"Damn you should be detective or something" p'Heng said

"Who is it Freen tell us" p'Nam asked

"It's Kate okay" p'Heng said

"Kate, really "


"That girl"

"Congrats brother "

"How long has it been" i asked

"2 weeks since we become a couple " he said and blushed.

"Ooi he's blushing " p'Nam teased.

And just like that our lunch became too much enjoyable.

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