Chapter 49

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Freen's pov

When we came back to the basketball court, I saw Friend, Noey and Manaw with Hannah, Irin and Gyoza.

"Ooi, where did you go, we have to start the 2nd half" Noey said and i nodded.

"Did you change your jersey" Friend asked

"Nah, just wore the sleeves" I said

"Why it's so hot here" Manaw said

"I don't care, my wife asked me to wear something inside my jersey and i did" I said flexing that I have a wife. Well soon to be still my wife though.

"Is it hot baby" Becca asked and i shook my head

"It's not hot baby" i said and kissed her cheeks

"Hooi, we all know that you both are engaged and girlfriends don't need to flex that much" Gyoza said and i smirked.

"What's on your neck" Manaw asked

"I think a mosquito bites, but this time it's from the smaller mosquito" irin said and they looked at Becky.

"Let's start the match" I said diverting their attention.

"Play well baby" she said and pecked me again.

"Okay baby, you go with the others and sit there. I'll finish this game quickly" I said and she nodded. They went back to the side and we started to play again.

After playing for another 20 minutes, we finished the game.

"You guys go and take a shower, we will wait for you in the canteen" irin said and they left.

After taking a shower we all went to the canteen.

"Finally, you guys took a lot of time in showring huh" Hannah asked.

"Nah, our juniors had classes so we let them shower first" I said and took a seat beside Becky.

"Eat the food first, we have to go shopping and you guys will need energy" Gyoza said. Me, Friend, Noey and Manaw looked at each other. And nodded. It's not like we have any choices. Even though we are the tops, we can't win against them.

I was gonna eat my food when Becky took the spoon.

"Let me feed you, you look tired" she said taking some food with the spoon. I smiled thinking that I've got the best girl. She fed me and i ate happily.

"Lucky Freen, her girlfriend is feeding her. And mine is checking her social media" Noey complained.

"Aww my baby wants me to feed her" irin asked and Noey nodded happily.

"Just eat with your hands" irin said and i stuck my tongue at Noey.

After eating we all went to shopping. I didn't wanna drive so me and Bec went with Manaw and Gyoza. The ride to the shopping mall was 10 minutes cause the traffic was less and the shopping mall almost is near the Uni.

"What are you guys gonna buy" Manaw asked

"Not gonna say, you guys can wait here" Hannah said and we all sat in the couch. I saw them roaming around the dress sessions and trying a lots of dress. Becky was beautiful in everything. But the white dress she wore was so damn cute that i couldn't resist myself from buying it for her.

After like 2 hours they finished the shopping. It was almost evening so we went to a restaurant for an early dinner and i packed some extra food in case Becky gets hungry in the night.

We went back to campus and i took my car and me and Becky went back to our condo. Basically it's mine and I'm her's so everything I own is hers too.

"I'm gonna take a shower" she said as soon as she got in. I took a shower in the guest room. I  opened my door but was surprised to see Becky in a sexy black lingerie.

"So sexy" i mumbled

"Done eye fucking me" I heard her voice and i looked at her face. The playful smirk on her face. Damn I'm gonna wipe that smirk off her.

"Are you trying to seduce me" i asked pointing a finger on my self.

"Are you resting me" she asked and i shook my head.

"I would never do that, how can I say no to my sexy wife" i aksed and she blushed. She stood up from the bed and waked towards me sexily.

"Damn" i whispered again.

"Like what you see" she asked and i shook my head.

"I love what i see" I said and held her waist and she encircled her hands on my neck.

"Hey daddy" she whispered while biting my ear, which gave me a lot of sensations. I groaned and put my face on her neck.

"Stop playing with fire Becca" I whispered against her neck.

"What if i wanna get burned" she said in a husky voice. And without saying anything she kissed me. She's kissing me so hungryly and passionately. Damn she's getting better day by day. And who am I gonna resist these wonderful kisses.

I roamed my hands over her back and grinned when she bit me. She entered her tongue and deepened the kissed by pulling me closer. Damn her boobies are so close to me. I wanna touch them badly but....

She bit me again which bought me back to my senses.

We broke the kiss and looked at each other. Her pupils were dilated. And I know mine looks the same.  I know what she wants. But I'm not sure if she's ready.

My thoughts broke when my hands were pressed against something squishy. I looked at her and saw my hands on her boobies. I squeezed her boobies.

"Hmmmmm" which earned a moan from her. Fuck i can't control anymore. I groaned and hid my face on her neck.

"Stop me now Becky, or i won't stop" I whispered

"Take me Sarocha, make me yours" she said. I looked at her face and there wasn't a single hesitation. I lifted her up and she encircled her legs on my waist.

"It's gonna be a long night baby" I said and walked towards the bed.

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