Chapter 24

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I'm finally home after 2 days. Like my dad really convinced the doctor and made me stay in the hospital for 2 days. I was soo bored but luckily Richie gave me my phone and laptop so I did some work and texted with my gang and Uno for the 2 days.

Me and Uno became too close, and I'm more happy with her.

And her flirting skill also got better, which made me flirt back.

I'm not sure if I love Uno or not. Like the first person i thought I loved turns out to be just just a fling or crush I don't know what to call what I had with Nop. And irin was right I just loved the idea of being his girlfriend cause I wanted that from the moment I laid eyes on him.

I know it's late to realise these things and i should have realised this from the beginning. I should have known my feelings better.
And with Uno everything feels refreshing like I do like her still....  You know.

My friends are always teasing me whenever I talk about Uno. And at the same time there's this look they share when we start a conversation about Uno. Especially the look on Irin's face. It's like she wants to say something but she can't say anything.

I'm not sure if they are hiding something from or not.

And there's P'Freen, who came to visit me daily but didn't speak a word with me. Cause whenever she comes dad or Richie or our gang was here so mostly they were talking. And i hadn't got any chance to talk to her openly or ask for forgiveness. Even though I'm still a little mad about her.

And the way she looks, it gives me so much sensation that I can't even explain. That's another reason I don't know if I'm in love with Uno, cause whatever I feel for Uno, i sometimes feel for P'Freen. And it's just complicates everything.

"Earth to Becky" irin said bringing me back to reality.

Oh yeah, I forgot that we are in the shopping mall. Like they wanted to go and they dragged me with them.

"Becky, how is this??" p'Nam asked showing me a green floral dress. Which is pretty good.

"It's pretty p'Nam" I said and she smiled

"I know my taste is better" she said and looked at p'Noey who is standing on the side. p'Noey just shrugged and came towards me.

"Hooi isn't that Freen" as soon i heard that name i looked everywhere and saw her. And she's looking so beautiful in black dress. I didn't know she wears dresses too but still shes looking damn handsome. And her dressing is like her wardrobe has no colour other than black.

"Is that Richie with her" p'Nam said and i looked beside and saw Riche talking with her and they were laughing.

Why do I feel angry all of a sudden. It's not like they are doing a crime. I don't care.

"Don't kill them with your looks Bec" Irin said and snakes her arms around my hips.

"I'm not doing anything irin" I said firmly

"I can see that clearly Bec Bec, you know that I can read you like a open book right" she asked and i let out a heavy sigh

"Still not doing anything" I said

"Deny as much as you want gummy bear, but don't bottle up anything if you need to talk. You know I'm right here for you" she said and smiled. I feel blessed to have a friend like her.

"Aww me too" Gyoza said and hugged me from side. I giggled and pinched their cheeks.

"Ouch it's hurts" they both yelled and i giggled.

"Let's goo guys, barbeque at Chankimah's home, Aunt Nun invited us there" p'Heng said and they all cheered.

"Wahh, my mom didn't even tell me" Gyoza said and pouted.

"Ahem" someone cleared their throat and we 3 turned around. And it's P'Freen. I felt like my heart skipped a beat when I saw her this close.

She was standing behind us with her arms crossed, Richie was right behind her

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She was standing behind us with her arms crossed, Richie was right behind her.

"Little one, can you please respond when mom calls you, she's been calling me for hours and asking me to check on you" she said to Gyoza. And Gyoza checked her phone.

"Opss, sorry phi, my phone died " she said and clung onto P'Freen's hand. And I don't like it. Why ??

For a brief moment our eyes connected. I want to talk to her even though I don't know how to.

"Oii, I'll be back after picking Hannah" Friend said and left.

"Look how fast she's going, love really makes everyone crazy" p'Noey said which earned a glare from irin

"I'll do that for you too babe, don't look me like that I love you sooooooo much" pneoy said and kissed her cheeks.

"Eww get a room both of you" Gyoza said

"Oh we will and don't forget we will also say this dialogue to you one day" p'Noey said and eyed p'Manaw. Who just blushed.

"Okay why don't we go now, I don't wanna miss aunt Nun's barbeque" p'Nam said and we all chuckled.

We all went towards the parking lot. There were 5 cars in total. Richie, p'Manaw, Gyoza, p'Heng and p'Noey came with their cars.

"P'Freen can you drive my car, I don't wanna drive" Gyoza said and handed her car key to P'Freen.

"Me and Irin will see you there at Chankimah's" p'Noey said and left first.

"Can I come with you" Gyoza asked p'Manaw and she nodded.  They looked at each other and blushed again.

"I'll go with Heng" p'Nam said and left quickly. I looked at Richie.

"I have to go the company Freen, take care of my little sis" he said and left, but before going they both shared a hug.

And i mentally rolled my eyes.

"Let's go??" P'Freen asked. I didn't say anything. I just followed her. She opened the car door for me and I sat down.

She still do these small gesture even though I'm a brat to her.

The ride was super silent till she abruptly stopped the car.

"We need to talk" she said

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