Chapter 30

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Becky's pov

I woke up and found myself surrounded by my friends and P'Freen. How can they do this to me.

"Becky, drink this" p'Nam said and handed me a bottle of water. I took it and drank it cause i was damn thirsty.

"Are you alright Becca" P'Freen asked her. I looked at her. And all i could think was how she made me feel. She made me feel like a shitty person. I thought I loved 2 people at the same time. I thought there was something wrong with me.

"Is something wrong??" She asked me again. But i didn't wanna answer her. My doctor already advised me not to stress too much and if stay here I will definitely explode and thats the last thing I want. So i stood up. And went towards the table where we were sitting.

I saw the phone where on the table, I took it and when my hand touched the screen turned on and there i saw the notification of my texts. She saved me as princess. I don't know if i should be Happy or sad.

"It's your phone right" i asked and showed it to her. She just nodded. And i  scoffed.

"Did you have fun making a fool of me" i yelled, i couldn't control myself anymore. How could I be a fool like this.

How could I not think it through whenever I got suspicious. I'm a fucking fool.

"Bec-" she was gonna say something but I didn't wanna hear it. So i cut her off

"Don't" i said

"Becky what happened??" Gyoza asked.

"You guys knew right" i asked and now it all clicked. The reaction when I said Uno's name. The eyes contacts. The way they all secretly communicate. I just scoffed. "Of course you guys know, I'm the fool here" i said. Now I feel like a complete fool. They had a lot of chances to tell me.

"Bec what are you saying" p'Nam asked. How can they really do this to me.

"Please stop acting, did you all have fun seeing me like this" i asked them. I'm done now I don't want to stand here any more second . I took my purse and turned my eyes fell on my best friend.

I thought we really are best friends.

"I didn't expect this from your irin, i thought you were my best friend" i said, I'm done.

"Bec" irin called and i scoffed. I started to walk and was now in front of P'Freen or should I say Uno.

"It was nice meeting you Uno" i said and walked away.

I heard them saying my name or some yellings. I just called Richie and asked him to pick me up.

"Becca wait" I heard P'Freen's voice. She held my hand and made me stop. I yanked my hands but she pulled me towards her and trapped me inside her arms.

"You walk too fast Nong" i heard p'Nam's voice. Now everyone is at the parking lot with me.

"Let me go" I said hit her chest.

"Hit me as much as you want, just let me explain" she said.

"No" I said.

"Please Becca" she said giving her puppy eyes. 

"Let me go" I said firmly

"Nong listen her out, don't be stubborn" p'Noey said.

"Stubborn, now I'm stubborn right" I said and scoffed.

"You know how much i trusted you guys, it hurts, it fucking hurts so bad" I said and placed my hand on my heart side and cried.

"You know, it's not fact that P'Freen made a fool of me. It's you guys, I've trusted you guys so damn much. I poured out my heart to you guys. You all knew how confused I was and how I was struggling or feeling inside my head. And you guys chose to ignore it" I couldn't say no more.

P'Freen held me close and stroked my back. I tried to push her away. Tears were streaming down my cheeks.

"Let it' out Becca" she said and I heard someone honking.

"Becky what happened" it was Richie. I pushed P'Freen and ran towards him. I hugged him tightly.

"What happened baby" he asked again.

"What happened to her" he asked raising his voice a bit.

"Take me home Richie" I said and he looked at me. He nodded and left me to the car.

"Richie ca-" P'Freen couldn't say more cause he cutted her.

"Let's save this for another day" he said and made me sit on the seat.

The ride back home was silent. I'm glad Richie didn't ask me anything. He let me sit there in my own world.

"Bec we are home" he said and shook me. I looked at him and smiled.

"Go and rest, let's talk when you are ready okay" he asked and i nodded.

I went to my room and laid on my bed. I don't know why my heart breaks like this. I still can't believe that they made me a fool.

Well I can't blame them, i really am a fool.

Days passed by, it's been 10 days since I've been in my room. I haven't gone to uni and didn't use my phone. Or went out of my room when my ganeg came to see me.

I know they won't stop until they see me. But i don't know if I want to see them or not. I'm not sure if I'm ready.

I went out of my room, and saw my dad and Richie talking with each other.

I'm determined to do this. I took a deep breath.

"Dad, Richie" I said and they looked at me and smiled.

"What is it dear" dad asked

"I wanna go to England" I said

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