Chapter 23

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I woke up and groaned cause of my head. And my head hurts like hell. I shouldn't drink like this next time.

When I opened my eyes I saw white walls. And i panicked when I realised I wasn't in my room. But where am I. The last thing i remember is P'Freen carrying me from the pub.

Oh my god, did she kidnap me or am I at her room. But her room walls are grey in color.

"Finally , the sleeping Beauty is wide awake" I heard Friend's voice. I looked around and saw all my friends including P'Freen beside me.

"What are you guys doing here" i asked

"What do you mean, we should be here to take care of you" p'Nam said

"It's not like I'm in a hospital or something, chill p'Nam " I said but she just scoffed

"What" i asked her

"You are at the hospital Becky" it was irin. That's when I roamed my eyes around the room and now I know she's not kidding and I'm really at the hospital.

"What happened??" I asked them.

"You, why did you skip your lunch and dinner. Why didn't you eat your food on time" asked p'Nam angryly.

"Oh....." That's all I could say I don't know what to say. Everyone was nagging me and saying something and I don't even wanna hear anything. I just closed my eyes

"Becky" I heard Riche's voice. I looked at the door and saw my dad and Richie in a worried expression.

"Riche, dad" I said

"Thank god you are okay" dad said and embraced me.

"I'm fine dad don't worry too much" I said and gave him a smile.

"What where you thinking young lady, you are skipping your food and drinking alcohol" dad said in a firm tone. I gulped and looked at my friends. Who were trying to hold their laughs. I glared at them.

"Dad, I'm fine. I promise I will be careful next time" I said

"There won't be a next time" Riche said and i nodded.

"Did you girls eat something " dad asked and they shook their heads.

"It's almost lunch you should've ate something girls" dad said and they nodded

"We will uncle, we just wanted her to wake up first" p'Noey said.

"I'm glad she has friends like you" dad said and smiled.

"Even though she's stubborn, she's still our nong" p'Nam said and i glared at her.

"Sarocha" dad said , like did he realise now that Freen is here.

"Mr. Armstrong " she said and smiled politely.

"Is that why you bailed on the meeting " Riche asked.

"Let's talk outside Mr Armstrong" she said and they both nodded.

"You stay with your sister Richie, I'll talk to Sarocha and bring some food for all of you" dad said and left with P'Freen.

"What's with p'Freen and dad" I asked Richie he was gonna say something when his phone rang.

"It's important let me take this first" he said and went towards the window.

"Don't you guys have class or practice " i asked them

"Oh you want us to be at uni while our dumb heartbroken friend is at hospital " Gyoza said and it striked me.

Nop cheated on me.

Nop fucking cheated on me.

And i believed his lies and accused P'Freen.


"Bec, we didn't say that to upset you" irin said

"I know" I said and looked out. .

"Bec, it's not your fault" p'Nam said

"It is p'Nam, i fucking believed him and didn't believe P'Freen when she was confronting him infornt of me. I just chose to believe him and it's my fault " I said and a single tear left my eye.

"What, and here we thought you were sad because Nop cheeted on you" p'Noey said

"I kind of expected that after the fight with P'Freen, I just wanted proof and I got it. I don't feel anything, I just feel numb" I said and they nodded

"Than why did you drink your ass off" Friend asked

"I was angry at myself for not believing P'Freen and accusing her" I said looking at the door.

"I hope she forgives, but..." I paused

"But ???" Gyoza asked

"I don't know, it's just..." I sighed

"It's okay Becky, I know you are angry at her too. But she will understand " p'Nam said

"And it's makes me feel worst" I said

"What" they asked

"She understands me and she's with me and still i didn't believe her when she was trying to put some sense into me" I said and sighed.

"What are you guys talking about " Richie asked as she sat beside me.

"Oh nothing, p'Richie" irin said

"Okay, where's your dumb boyfriend" he asked

"Correction p'Richie he's an ex boyfriend now" Gyoza said

"Wow, finally my sister has come to her senses I'm glad you left him. He's not worthy of our princess" he said. Princess. Omg Uno.

"Where's my phone" i asked.

"We don't know, it might be in your room" irin said and i sighed. Fuck now I can't contact her.

"What happened Bec" Richie asked

"Nothing, when can I discharge" i asked them.

"After me and dad talk to the doctor about your health and if he says you are good to go. You can discharge" he said with a smug smile.

"Oh yeah, what's deal with Freen and dad's" i asked him. Cause they seemed more intense.

"It's just buisness and call her phi there's a chance she might be your sister in law" he said and smiled.

"What" i asked him.

"If she say yes" he said and I was too surprised to ask anything. At that moment the door opened and we saw P'Freen and dad coming with food for us.

They both placed the food on the table. P'Freen looked at me and our eyes were locked. Her stares are always intense. Her eyes says too much that she won't say. There's longing, love and guilt???

But before i could look more her phone rang.

"I'll take my leave now, mr Armstrong, p'Richie guys and ..... take care Becca" she said and left.



There's only one who calls me Becca.

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